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Federal Reserve is Responsible for Global Warming

COMMENT: Marty,   I was looking at the Global Warming Chart, at the red line and saying to myself, “That look awfully familiar.” Then I got it.   Note how the red line drops down from 1907 to almost 1913, gets a WWI bump and then rises steadily to about 1938. Then it really goes […]

ECB v the Federal Reserve – Different Animals Altogether

QUESTION: Do you really think Trump would let the Central Banks Default? He said we would write off PoteRicos debt maybe he plans to write everything off can he do that? If this really did happen wouldn’t the dollar be worthless? S ANSWER: It seems as though far too many people ASSUME that all central […]

Federal Reserve & Elastic Money & NY Clearing House Certificates

QUESTION: Why do you support the fed in what you call elastic money and not a gold standard? ANSWER: As usual, you listen to the nonsense about how the Fed is owned by the banks and is responsible for probably everything evil from creating wars to probably killing JFK. The entire use of “elastic money” […]

The Federal Reserve’s Structural Changes

  QUESTION: Why are there so many Fed branches? It seems this is another way for government just to create jobs and pensions. ANSWER:I wrote several times that the original design of the Federal Reserve would have been a good, stabilizing entity for the economy had the politicians left it alone. At first, to ease […]

Federal Reserve Calls for Expedited Meeting on Monday, April 11

The Federal Reserve has called an expedited closed meeting of the board of governors on Monday, April 11, 2016, at 11:30 AM.

Reforming the Federal Reserve

QUESTION: In your Nov. 15 blog you said about the Fed “ I do not think in its present form it should be owned by banks collecting 6%. I would advocate a public float as is the case in Switzerland. Can you explain what that means, and how that works. Thank you I sincerely hope you continue […]

Congress vs. Federal Reserve

QUESTION: the big question: WHY do USA still have the FED (a private company) dictating the USA economy????????? MK ANSWER: Very simple. The Fed was originally a private bailout entity to replace J.P. Morgan and what he did during the panic of 1907. Stimulation occurred through buying corporate paper. When WWI came, Congress ordered the Fed […]

Why The Federal Reserve Worked During the 1930s

When the Great Depression began, over 8,000 commercial banks belonged to the Federal Reserve System, but nearly 16,000 did not. There were still state banks that were not members. Those non-member banks operated in an environment similar to what existed before the Federal Reserve was first, established back in 1914. People criticize the Federal Reserve […]

The Federal Reserve: Part IV – The Bankers Strike Bank

Paul Volcker Former Fed Chairman The entire theory of how to manage an economy via the rise and fall of the money supply being the sole cause of inflation or deflation was discredited post-1971 with the birth of the Floating Exchange Rate System. Unbeknownst to the vast majority, the entire accounting system of trade had been […]

The Federal Reserve: Part III – The Takeover

FDR’ Speech on the Banking Crisis March 12, 1933   Roosevelt established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in 1933, assuring people it was safer to keep their money in a reopened bank than under the mattress. Then on August 23, 1935, Congress approved legislation that had a major impact on the Federal Reserve Banks, […]