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Shanghai – the New Chicago

A report in China Daily said that Shanghai wants to transform itself into a global commodities trading center. Indeed, the Shanghai Futures Exchange has already introduced several new products, including a silver futures contract, and is working on a crude oil futures platform. The paper said the Exchange is about to begin test trading of […]

People Flee Illinois – Blue State Exodus

We saw it happen first in California. People could not handle the restrictive policies during the pandemic, which was worsened by the drastic increase in taxes and crime. Americans are fleeing blue states in droves – precisely why we cannot forecast real estate as whole for the United Stated. Recent data from the Internal Revenue […]

Squad Members Call for Netanyahu’s Arrest

The progressive “squad” members have been fueling the flames of unrest over the Israel-Palestine conflict, naturally supporting Palestine. Squad member Rep. Tlaib (D-Mich) called for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and has accused him of genocide, coming forth with these claims on May 7. She is bypassing every branch of Washington and […]

US Home Prices Nearing All-Time Highs

Home prices in the US are near all-time highs. As I repeatedly stated, we can no longer look at real estate on the national level. Demand and value are contained to certain states and areas of certain states that the public has deemed most desirable, largely due to political factors such as taxes. Yet, at […]

Florida is NOT California – Act Accordingly

In Florida, we drag these people out of the road and arrest them. — Bryan Griffin (@BryanDGriffin) April 15, 2024 Please reside in a state that stands with your current political allegiance. This week has proved that the rule of law is no longer applicable to the whole of the United States. We are […]

Women Across America in Danger Thanks to Open Borders

Laken Riley’s death by an illegal alien was entirely preventable. Absolutely nothing was done to prevent another similar situation from happening again, and now young women are being murdered by migrants all across America. The left has been suppressing these stories, but these women deserve justice. In Chicago, where only criminals are safe, another young […]

Democrats Destroying the United States – Here Comes the Recession

The stats are in, revealing that Biden has flooded the nation with over 6.4 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S., bringing the total to now 13.7 million that the government must support. They are bankrupting cities, raising crime like never before since countries are emptying their prisons and shipping them to Bidenville. The […]

Democrats Push Legislation to Hire Migrants as Police Officers

They permitted unknown persons into our country, handed them a tax-payer funded life, and now want to enable them to uphold law and order over American citizens. The globalists have truly launched an outright attack on American citizens with their plans to weaponize migrants. Virginia Republican Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears, a legal immigrant, shed some […]

Judge Rules Illegal Migrants are Protected by Second Amendment

The US government simply hates its citizens at this point and deliberately wants the nation to live in fear. The same people who persistently vote to prohibit American citizens from exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms have ruled that illegal migrants may carry firearms. A US District Court judge became one of the […]

Woke Identity Politics

The woke agenda has opened Pandora’s box. Governments adhering to the Build Back Better agenda are allowing children and adults to change their gender at whim. What would prevent someone from changing their race, age, or social-economic standing using woke identity politics? A 20-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department is requesting to change his […]