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Climate Change – The Big Fraud but Why?

What is absolutely astonishing, is that this entire global warming propaganda that they then changed it to climate change because it was not just getting warmer – but colder. The entire premise is that the climate is changing all because of the Industrial Revolution and CO2 they REFUSE to address the fact that there are […]

AOC Climate Change Documentary Flop

  AOC’s four year in the making Documentary of fighting for Climate Change was a complete flop. It debuted in movie theaters around the country and took in $10,000 averaging $80 per movie theater. Of course, the leftist media hail the film, and it was the worst debut of any film in history. Just maybe […]

400 Private Jets Arrived for COP27 Climate Change Summit

Rules for thee, but not for me! The elites rushed to Egypt for the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as COP27, to discuss how the plebians can suffer under the excuse of climate change. Sharm el-Sheikh’s airport was renovated to accommodate these climate change pioneers who arrived in over 400 private jets. A […]

Why Climate Change is a Fraud

This is one of the oldest methods to brainwash a population known to ancient history. The high priests had discovered the cycle of the heavens. They would pretend to turn the sun dark, for they managed to calculate the cycles when an eclipse would take place. They would call the people together and tell them […]

Climate Change = Military Strategy

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, As always, thank you so much for your incredible insight to what is happening in the world. You are the first news source I read in the morning because I know your site is always two steps ahead of everyone else! I wished to ask you about something you often reference: […]

The Climate Change Zealots are Coming for Your Pets

The climate change zealots have found a new scapegoat to blame for changes in the weather – the family pet. CNN has dubbed the term “carbon pawprint” and is urging owners to switch their pets over to insect-based diets or lab-grown meat and reconsider future animal adoptions. There was a 2017 study entitled “Environmental Impacts […]

Climate Change War – US v Russia

As senior U.S. military officers deployed to NATO’s front line against Russia on the border with Ukraine have boasted that they are ready to join the fight. This provoked a response from Russia’s ambassador to the United States told Newsweek that such a move would bring about catastrophic ramifications. The commanders of the U.S. Army 101st […]

Pfizer Climate Change Vaccine

German Climate Change Terrorism

COMMENT From Germany: Dear Marty, there was a sabotage act on the German railroad company „Deutsche Bahn“. Two cables in different locations were cut on Saturday morning (October 8th, 2022). Result: No trains were moving in all of northern Germany. This must have been accomplished by someone highly sophisticated and with insider knowledge. First, someone […]

Climate Change Hypocrisy