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Reversals – Energy – A Different Dimension

QUESTION: Hi Marty… I’ve been reading your blog for several years now. I’ve been trying to understand the basics about your reversal system is with no luck. Yet I’ve been trading stocks with only simple trend lines for years using basic tech A. PS I still don’t even understand how the Federal Reserve works either… […]

Progress Report on Socrates Deployment

  We are loading in modules gradually now that we have at least gotten past the first deployment of a new delivery system. We are still working out the bugs on that delivery system part of which was outsourced to be constructed. The actual modules for the AI system are being introduced gradually to bring […]

Why do Cycles Work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your analysis is really remarkable. When the Dow was making new highs in October you said it was not breaking out. Then you said it would correct to retest the monthly support. You even warned that the bulk of the decline was always before the holiday as fears would grow for what […]

Global Warming – Court Orders – Pathetic Analysis

  In the Netherlands, the high court has now ordered the Dutch Government to cut greenhouse gases by 25% before end 2020. The court called it a Violation of the duty of care pursuant to articles 2 and 8 ECHR. The state must now further reduce greenhouse gases. Then we have the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]

Bureaucracy & the Collapse of Empires, Nation, City-States & Corporations

COMMENT: Sir, Your blog about the “Deep State” being nothing more than the bureaucracy made me laugh. If memory serves, didn’t some of the Chinese dynasties implode because of bureaucracies? Or am I being nearsighted and all governments typically implode because of bureaucracies? On a fractal level, don’t all corporations implode because of their bureaucracies over […]

Milankovitch Cycles Prove Global Warming is Just Nuts

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I just read your report on the Maya discovery of time and the flipping of the poles. Obviously, from the data you put together, it appears we are in that zone where the poles will flip. Do you have anything that would imply what they would mean for civilization today? WK ANSWER: […]

Interest Expenditures Will Now Exceed Military Spending – We are being Walled-In by our Own Debt

I have been warning for years at the World Economic Conferences that interest expenditures will reach the point that they will crowd out everything else. Well at last, as we enter 2019 and the War Cycle heats up, interest expenditures will now EXCEED even military spending. Welcome to the SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS. I have also […]

Cycle of Religion – Detailed

COMMENT:  In your blog on the cycles in religion, you may want to add some more dimensions: (1) Hindu worldview is cyclical over a vast cosmological timescale and then through a fractal (as above so below) astrological philosophy of action there appears an a-causal (synchronistic) relationship between cosmic, global and local possibilities for events which […]

What is the Difference between Institutional & Speculation?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was talking to a friend who works in one of the banks you probably classify as the club. He knew you right off the bat. He said you have been probably the largest institutional advisor in the world. He said clients question the bank’s research and openly contrast it with yours. […]

The Last Total Eclipse was 2days After Signing the Declaration of Independence So Celebrate Today

Solar eclipses have been observed throughout history. As to be expected, they have often been seen as omens along with comets. We hear if the star of Bethlehem that announced the birth of Jesus and the comet that appeared the night Julius Caesar was assassinated, which has been historically recorded on coins proving his divinity. […]