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Have New Epstein Docs Ended Hillary’s Dream?

The word behind the curtain is that these charges against Maxwell, and the unsealing of previously sealed documents, have put an end to any hope that the Democrats could draft Hillary to replace Biden. In a recently unsealed court document involving Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell, Virginia Giuffre said that former Democratic […]

Biden v Hillary

There has been no discussion whatsoever publicly by the Democrats concerning the competency of a Joe Biden administration in Washington. Biden’s competency is one of the early stage of dementia, which is likely a degenerative disorder that will only get worse. Realistically, they have been keeping him “in the basement” because he is just unpredictable […]

Rumors Still Abound that Hillary Will Emerge in August

Hillary Clinton and friends are still plotting to have her drafted at the Convention now scheduled for August 17-20. The rumors remain that Joe Biden is “seriously senile” or has dementia. It’s not really “sleepy Joe” as Trump politely calls him, they keep him off the road because they are scared to death what he […]

Biden Wants Woman VP – But Not Hillary Knowing She would be One, OOPS, Sorry about that, Away from Power.

It’s often thought that a vice-presidential candidate has little bearing on the election, but many factors make Joe Biden’s choice a consequential one, including his pledge to pick a woman. As for voters, a new poll shows they have a clear favorite for the VP slot. And the process is playing out amid the Tara […]

Romney Positioning for VP on Democratic Ticket with Hillary?

QUESTION: Mit Romney was against Trump on every possible level right into the impeachment. Some think he will somehow become a Democrat to try to get into the White House. Do you see any chance of this? HD COMMENT: Marty, I think you are correct that Hillary will be drafted. There is no possible way […]

Trump’s Ad Does Not Target Biden or Bernie – but Hillary

COMMENT: Wow, this ad really does illustrate what you have been saying. The divide is widening. OF REPLY: I was very surprised to see such an ad. However, this was from the 2016 election. I still hear the rumors behind the curtain that they will prevent Bernie from winning on the first ballot and then […]

Hillary When Asked If She Will Run Has a New Reply


The Plight of the Democrats – Hillary to the Rescue?

  COMMENT: I was raised a Democrat. Your forecast that the Democrats would split by 2020 which you made more than 10 years ago I did not believe at the time. Flash forward, Joe Biden, who the Democrats wanted to impeach Trump for influencing the election against him, has been proven to be a joke. […]

Hillary Says She “Feels” the Urge to Run Against Trump Again

COMMENT: Marty, nobody can compete with your sources. You said they were very good. It looks like demanding witnesses by the Democrats they know what they are doing. It does clear the decks of Warren and Bernie, but it will put Biden and his son in the witness seat. You are right. Hillary just said […]

Hillary Refuses to Support Bernie & Dark Secrets of the Past

COMMENT: Marty, your writings are always ahead of the curve and your sources are amazing. Just read today Hillary gave an interview and she is obviously trying to stay in the mix. She came out and said about Bernie Sanders: ”He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody […]