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Trend in Interest Rates

COMMENT: Marty, Good morning. Repo rates have been creeping up ever so slightly and quietly. Points wise not much, but percentage-wise, numbers are getting bigger. Has everybody been lulled to sleep and looking the wrong way again? Best, E REPLY: The shift from a Public to a Private wave is in full motion. We can […]

Clash of the Free v Artificial Market in Interest Rates

QUESTION: Marty, I could not help but notice that the array you posted on the Fed also has high volatility at the end of the month and another target the week of March 23. Is this also reflecting the repo crisis against at the end of the quarter? Thank you for Socrates. VH ANSWER: Yes. […]

Can Interest Rates Rise when Central Banks are the Only Market Maker?

  QUESTION: How can interest rates can rise when central banks are the only market maker, & pension funds FORCED to buy gov.debt by their statutes? but why is the REPO crisis starting in the US where rates are WAY higher than in japan & Europe? you would expect this crisis to start somewhere in […]

Do Lower Interest Rates Really Produce Bull Markets in Stocks?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Yes, the political situation in our country is out of control and you are right, there is no turning back. But this truly pales in comparison to what is happening in the financial markets today. It looks to me like the Fed has aided and abetted this ridiculous surge in stock prices. […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Interest Rates & Why the ECB Can Go Broke

PRIVATE BLOG – Interest Rates & Why the ECB Can Go Broke Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Interest Rates and the Great Global Crisis

COMMENT: I attended your 2016 WEC and I thought you would be wrong that interest rates would rise and the whole big bang thing. Rates have risen only in the US, the pension crisis is clearly unfolding, and states have been going bust. Now there is the Repo Crisis and I did buy the report. […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Federal Reserve to Raise Interest Rates?

PRIVATE BLOG – The Federal Reserve to Raise Interest Rates? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Banks – Interest Rates – Mortgages

COMMENT: Martin, as an avid follower, I took your advice to heart to try to fix our interest rate for the loan we have on our house. This was the answer I got from our direct advisor: “Have looked at your file, you can still enjoy your low-interest rate until 01/12/2020, in other words refinancing […]

Negative Interest Rates is the Way to Kill a Reserve Currency

Christine Lagarde said back in August that the European Central Bank still had room to cut rates if needed. However, she added that this could pose a challenge to financial stability in Europe. More and more banks are passing on the negative interest rates to depositors and this is undermining the elderly and pensions. From […]

Split Between Official & Real Interest Rates

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; When I first brought this topic up at our board meeting about the split in interest rates between private and public, there was skepticism because such a proposition had never taken place in the short-term memory of our perception of history. I explained your theory and the rest of the members listened […]