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Does the US Want War with China?

China does not want a war with the US. The US, however, is continually provoking China by using Taiwan as its scapegoat. The US Navy announced that two warships will be traveling through the Taiwan Strait. The reasoning? The military aims to demonstrate freedom of movement through international waters. In other words, they deliberately want […]

Pelosi – Taiwan – China

QUESTION: With the bank runs in China, do you still think China will surpass the US economy? What about Pelosi’s trip? China’s response was more shock and see than anyone expected. GD ANSWER: Nothing has changed. But you have to understand that the decline in the US economy also benefits China’s rise. The Democrats are […]

An Unprovoked Biden Threatens War with China

For the third time, President Joe Biden has attempted to drag the United States into a war. Biden first made remarks about the Middle East and then claimed Putin needed to be removed from power. The White House brushed off those remarks, but this time he has angered America’s top trading partner. Biden, speaking for […]

China’s Extreme Lockdown Measures

The Chinese government is taking its zero-COVID, zero-freedom policy to a new extreme. Government workers are now locking people within their homes to prevent them from leaving. The press is not reporting on the cruelty of this lockdown. What if there were a fire or an emergency and people could not evacuate? This is NOT […]

US Antagonizes China with Surprise Taiwan Visit

Lindsey Graham is at it again. He is one of the leading Neocons who has supported the Ukrainian Neonatzis and the war against Russians. Now he pulled off a surprise visit to Taiwan playing the very same game promising US support for a war against China should they invade. This came precisely during the week […]

Democrats Violating Everyone’s Privacy

  The Democrats want the banks to turn over ALL information on everyone to the IRS. You no longer need to have an audit. They are simply adopting the idea of guilty until proven innocent when it comes to money they want to get their hands on. This is stage one, and as they move […]

The Propaganda & China

COMMENT: RE China analysis Marty, It is so clear to me that you have not been exposed to the changing workforce and have always worked for yourself. How did I get laid off so many times? Jobs sent to China. We have been in an economic war with China for at least 2 decades with […]

Trump’s Trade War with China – Just Wrong!

QUESTION: Do you support Trump and his trade war with China? QW ANSWER: No. Trump is living in an old world view of trade. The numbers are not accurate to begin with. The United States for years actually relied on economic interdependence with China as a stabilizing force in relations with Beijing on geopolitical levels. […]

Are Two-Tier Monetary Systems a Possible Tool?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It seems few people even understand that there have been two-tier monetary systems. Do you think this can be a possible tool in the currency crisis you are forecasting for 2021? Thank you; Looking forward to Rome and meeting Mr, Farage as well PC ANSWER: Various countries used to mint trade dollars […]

China’s One Belt and One Road

QUESTION: What is your view of China’s One Belt and One Road policy? ANSWER: The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, also known as the One Belt and One Road Initiative, (OBOR),  is a development strategy proposed by Chinese Government that focuses on connectivity and cooperation between Eurasian countries, primarily the […]