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Bill Gates Says his Vaccine is the Final Solution – But Why?

  This COVID-19 is by no means even as bad a SARS. The death rate is confined to the elderly who die from the flu. So what is really going on here? All the data demonstrates that this is not a major threat to the world community. Nevertheless, it has been exploited and the real […]

Governments & Solutions

COMMENT: Dear Marty, I’ve been following you for about 5 years and I, like many others, are grateful for all the objective advice, analysis and curious way of thinking you provide to all your readers. After reading your open letter to President Trump, I couldn’t help but notice the following bit: ” You should now […]

Are They Planning ID2020 as Mandatory Implants for All as the Solution to the Crisis?

There is a very concerning proposal running around in Washington. The technology already exists for pets which is an electronic microchip or transponder. A subcutaneous electronic microchip allows you to identify your pet. It is no larger than a grain of rice and only takes a few minutes for your vet to insert. A transponder does […]

Killing the Patient to Cure the Disease When Solutions Are Emerging

Simon Property Group, which is the largest mall operator in the country, is closing all of its malls due to coronavirus starting 7 p.m. Wednesday. The wholesale closing of businesses is insane. This entire scare has been orchestrated by this Pandemic Exercise where they are only concerned about stopping a disease without any regard to […]

97% Scientists Do Not Agree with Climate Change or the Solution

In 2009, the University of Illinois sent a survey online to about 10,000 scientists with the following two questions: QUESTION #1 Do you agree that global temperatures have generally risen since the pre-1800s? QUESTION #2 Do you think that human activity is a significant contributing factor? Only 3146 responses were received of 10,000, and of […]

The Solution

QUESTION: Hi Marty: Congratulations on a fantastic WEC 2019. I have reviewed your Solution video. Could the government ease into such a solution in stages? For example, the government could place a moratorium on issuing debt and pay the year’s budget which included a reduction in principle on outstanding bond debt, and meeting current interest […]

Currency That Expires – That’s the Solution – Or Just Cancel it all?

Back during the Great Depression, there were people who theorized that gold hoarding was preventing an economic recovery. There is always this same theory that people who save, hoarding their money, cause a lack of a recovery by suppressing demand. This theory has been around for a very long time. It assumes a recovery is […]

The Only Solution

QUESTION: Re Solution to a new monetary system:: In the “Solution” presented it was suggested that the existing US bonds be required to invest in companies in the USA. Does the govt just print the money for the bond values to give to the companies? If the companies receive the bonds, how are they liquidated otherwise? KB […]

The Solution

  COMMENT: If every 16-year-old school student had to write a thousand-word essay on this presentation the world as we know it would change miraculously within a generation. JM REPLY: Thank you. I agree. If we stopped and looked at the facts, putting politics aside, we would see that we deserve what we get if we do […]

Hillary’s Connections to Russia-Gate & Schumer’s Resolution to Prevent Any Investigation in the Magnitsky Act?

One of the gaping questions that have gone unanswered is why has Mueller not taken Putin up on his offer to go question the Russian intelligence officer he has indicted in Russia? Putin said he would allow Mueller and his team to travel to Russia and be present at the questioning of 12 Russian military […]