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EU exempting Private Jets from Climate Taxes

The EU is exempting private jets from Global Warming taxation. Since the elite all have private jets, they certainly can’t possibly restrict themselves. They are the ones the world desperately needs. There were 309 private jets that flew to Davos in 2019. While Schwab says we all must walk to work which is from our […]

TAXES & the Risks Associated with The Infrastructure Deal

This bipartisan deal on new infrastructure spending that President Biden has reached this week with a group of “moderate” Democrats and “liberal” Republicans in the Senate represents a significant departure with respect to the Internal Revenue Service. Hidden within the claimed “infrastructure bill” you find $40 billion to beef up the IRS to hunt down […]

The Hunt for Global Taxes

The proposal is to create a global tax rate as world leaders move to create a one-world government. The United Nations, behind the curtain, is preaching that ONLY they can solve the world crisis in climate change, for it requires a single government to control the world. On top of that, Bill Gates has taken […]

Is it Taxes or Debt Default Which Cause Revolution?

QUESTION: Marty, do you agree with other analysts who claim debt defaults create revolutions? From reading your work for decades now, I think you would say it was taxes. Am I correct? Hopefully, see you at the next WEC again KL ANSWER: You are correct. Rome never had a national debt nor a central bank. […]

The New Norm – Leave NYC for Greener Pastures & Lower Taxes

The old saying, I love NY, has turned into – Get Out of NY While You Can! The Number of people leaving NYC is alarming. Anyone who has pretty much seen their jobs vanish or no longer have to go to the office is leaving. I got a call from an Investment Banker I know […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Proved the Economic Solution was Lower Taxes

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Proved the Economic Solution was Lower Taxes Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Why Smart Money will Sell Stocks in Front of a Biden Victory Because of Taxes

  A Biden victory or even a continued round of uncertainty into early December may set off a serious liquidation before year-end. The risk of a significant tax increase next year under the Democrats would warn that you better take whatever capital gains you have this year. Some state like California has extended their ballot […]

Saudi Arabia Triples its Taxes – The Hunt is On!

Saudi Arabia has tripled its taxes from 5% to 15% on the back of this Coronavirus. This is a country now suffering from the collapse in oil demand and prices. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz of the Socialists in Germany (SPD) is already advocating “solidarity” to convince the rich to turnover their assets to the […]

Nashville 32% Increase in Property Taxes

Mayor of Nashville, John Cooper, filed his recommended budget for the 2021 fiscal year with Metro Council. The $2.447 billion budget includes raising the city’s property tax by almost 32% to recover from the financial impact of the March tornado and the COVID-19 shutdown.

How Taxes Will Make COVID-19 Vanish

COMMENT:  Is there a tax that I can pay to stop Covid-19, or does that only work for climate change ? 🙂 KL REPLY: No worries. They got that covered. Cash is dirty now. If you touch it you will die. I am sure they are working on a virus that flourishes with gold or […]