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The Risks Are in the Eurozone Banks But Beware of Global Contagion

QUESTION: Sir, Given the liquidity crisis and the problem to arrive from Europe, I have a question for us Europeans: when you are talking about Europe and failures to come, you mean: 1. euro zone countries ONLY? 2. EU countries which still hold their currency (eg. Romania)? 3. what about the UK? Thank you. SM […]

BP Forced to Sell Assets to Appease the European Climate Hysteria

COMMENT: This morning blog question. I concur with ROM. Here’s a perfect example. BP has just sold all its oil and gas assets in Alaska to cut its carbon footprint in order to be consistent with the Paris Accord. This is a needless sale of assets caused by an ‘Act of Extortion-The Paris Accord’ against […]

The European Commission is just an Undemocratic Echo Chamber

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Rome was my first WEC. It was truly an eye-opening event. Nigel Farage was correct – you are the alternative to Davos. I wanted to say after you explained the structure of the European Union and there the German people were denied any right to vote to join the euro, this coronation […]

Rise in the Euro – Interesting Times Ahead

QUESTION: Was not this move you have been talking about to happen right after the EP elections? What has changed? “While everyone will focus on interest rates, at the end of the summer we will see a refocus back on the structural problems in the Euro.” SM ANSWER: Nothing. What is happening is that we […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow & the Euro 

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow & the Euro  Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – Italy’s Mini-BOT A Parallel Currency to the Euro 

PRIVATE BLOG – Italy’s Mini-BOT A Parallel Currency to the Euro  Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Creating the Euro & Germany Was Denied the Right to Ever Vote to join the Euro

COMMENT: Marty; I just wanted to say that this WEC in Rome was one of your best, NOt that Nigel Farage was there calling you the alternative to Davos, but you really do your research and your contacts behind the curtain become self-evident. Nobody in the audience every knew that the German people were denied […]

The European Crisis of Philosophy is the Destruction of the European Union

The entire project of creating the Euro was a means to allow Northern Europe to effectively takeover Southern Europe and impose its philosophy in a totally one-sided arrangement. I have stated plenty of times that all the debts of member states should have been consolidated into the central Euro debt and thereafter each state would […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Euro into February

PRIVATE BLOG – The Euro into February Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Understanding Why the Euro is a Failure & The One Big Happy Family

If you ask in Europe are people happy with the Euro, you will generally get a response of about 80% in favor. Even if you ask are people happy to be part of the EU, the majority over 90% will say yes. The curious thing is they buy this propaganda that on the surface Europe […]