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German Government’s Plan to Seize All Farms in Crisis

Merkel’s Federal Cabinet has decided on new plans to supply the population in disasters, reports the Reuters news agency. The draft law adopted on Wednesday according to participant data provides inter alia new powers of the authorities. According to this, farms or other foodstuffs can be confiscated in order to ensure the nutrition of the […]

The Mechanism Behind the Rise & Fall of Nations

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I recently read a book which claims that the disparity of wealth among nations is something recently unfolding post-Columbus. The thesis claims that before 1500, the income differences between nations were small. It proposes that only since the discovery of America, the interplay between geography, globalization, technological change, and economic policy has determined […]

Jewish Bankers vs. All Bankers

Since Jews founded Goldman Sachs, some people assume that qualifies it as a Jewish bank, which makes it evil. I think it should be pointed out that Hank Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs who became Secretary of the Treasury under Bush, I believe deliberately allowed Lehman and Bear Stearns (two of the five main investment banks) […]

Hedge Funds Get It Wrong with Sovereign Loans & Puerto Rico

The seriousness that is emerging in the hedge fund community is their tendency to become VULTURE FUNDS who look to lend money to sovereigns at excessively high rates of return that become no different than the carpetbaggers who sought to exploit the South following the Civil War. As an investor, you should stay away from hedge funds who think they […]

Jean Silvio Gesell (1862-1930)

Jean Silvio Gesell (1862-1930) was a merchant and a theorist of the finance in Argentina and Germany. He was born in Sankt Vith, which was at that time Germany (today Belgium). His mother was Catholic and his father Protestant. His father was the tax collector of the German Empire when he grew up. Silvio Gesell […]

Religious Freedom & War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Do you believe that religion should play any role in government? ANSWER: Religion has historically been the greatest tool for war and justification for killing others yet we claim to punish people for murder. If you kill someone in the name of the State or what you claim is God’s will, you are creating […]

Debt & Reserve Currency

QUESTION: Marty, Would nations still issue debt in the reserve currency or their local currency? If countries issued debt in the reserve currency, wouldn’t that be the same problem you have pointed out with the euro? You have made it clear that debt is the great destroyer of civilization. It seems that this is the […]

Debt Forgiveness – The Seventh Year

  One does not have to be religious to find ancient texts that are curiously interesting advice with regard to history and economics. Of course the Ten Commandments states clearly that thou shalt not covet their neighbor’s goods. Yet, somehow “socialism” and “Marxism” is all about progressive taxation in every respect and taking from others […]

Spain Collapsed from the Richest Nation to Among the Poorest With the Help of Debt Not Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Am I correct in saying that Spain collapsed because of debt and not hyperinflation? Thanks; SD ANSWER: YES! The history of Spain is a classic example of economic and fiscal mismanagement. Christopher Columbus was the greatest example of a politician today. He embarked upon a journey not actually knowing where he was going, and […]

Tax & The Top 1% – Who Are They? – The Pending Sovereign Debt Big Bang

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and it’s great to see that not even little ole us in Canada escapes your reaches!  Not only is Premier Wynne changing the definition of the meaning of “rich” in Ontario, yesterday’s budget also proposes a forced government pension plan.  She is proposing withholding […]