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Yellen Argues for Gradual Rate Hike

The expedited meeting at the Fed unnerved many. While no economic policy change should be expected before the December 15-16 meeting, the Fed is clearly not in the camp of negative interest rates. They are looking to raise rates to aid pension funds and you cannot lower rates to “stimulate” the economy (although that never […]

Yellen Tells Congress Negative Interest Rates Are Possible

Reuters has reported that Yellen told a House of Representatives committee when testifying before Congress: “Potentially anything – including negative interest rates – would be on the table. But we would have to study carefully how they would work here in the U.S. context.” Yellen may have been placating Congress, for negative rates would wipe out the […]

Yellen Is Trapped in the Worst Nightmare Ever

Yellen has inherited a complete nightmare. Thursday’s decision to delay the long-awaited liftoff from a zero interest rate illustrates that the world economy is totally screwed. There is a lot of speculation about why the Fed seems so reluctant to “normalize monetary policy”. There are, of course, the typical domestic issues of low inflation and weak wage gains […]

Yellen & Jackson Hole – The Central Bank Marxist Festival

Global central bankers led by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen gathered in Jackson Hole for their annual Marxist Festival. Of course, those in government are just way too dangerous because whatever they see never involves them as a cause of any problem. It is impossible to see how to engage the economy when you eliminate […]

Yellen – Deadlock – House

The anxiety over the budget deadlock in Washington continues to rise driving world shares down for a third day on Wednesday, though the expected nomination of Janet Yellen to head the U.S. Federal Reserve has lifted the dollar. The crisis is really that the Democrats see this as the opportunity to screw everyone while blaming […]

Summers or Yellen

Obama’s replacement for Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the US Federal Reserve has been narrowed down to a two-horse race, between Larry Summers and Janet Yellen. Summers was Obama’s chief economic adviser in the aftermath of the sub-prime crisis and Treasury Secretary under President Clinton from 1999-2001. Janet Yellen is a former President of the Federal Reserve […]

Real Estate vs Supply & Demand

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My question on real estate is that we are in a period where demand has outpaced supply. Has the migrant crisis and climate change collided to create a perfect storm in real estate? Thank you FH REPLY: The only good news for real estate is that smart money is starting to look […]

Taiwan’s Defense Strategy – US Protection

Taiwan’s new administration under President Lai Ching-te has been extremely vocal in its distaste for the One China policy. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) campaigned on the promise of sovereignty and patriotism. No other president has been this outspoken about China’s control over the small nation that clearly cannot defeat China independently. Yet there is […]

Macron and Biden Now Lying Russian Assets at Zelensky’s Feet

Macron and Biden do not represent their respective nations as they act in ways that are an utter detriment to national interests. The French and American leaders have agreed to surrender frozen Russian aid to Ukraine in the form of a loan. The West confiscated around $280.9 billion from Russia, which Reuters believe generate up […]

Bank of Canada 1st Among G7 to Cut Rates

COMMENT: Marty, I attended your Toronto Institutional session when the Bank of Canada had a table of 10 people. People would ask you what the central banks were looking at, and you would respond. Everyone then turned to see if they flinched. They were the best of times, as they say. For us long-timers, it […]