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US National Debt Surpasses $30 Trillion

(Image: US national debt holdings as of 2018) America’s debt surpassed the $30 trillion mark for the first time and there is no intention of paying it back. “We’re on an unsustainable path,” Federal Reserve Chairman Powell told lawmakers in January. “Debt is not at an unsustainable level, but the path is unsustainable — meaning […]

World War III Begins in the Financial Markets

The Bank of England raised rates for a second time which is the first time they have responded in this manner to inflation since 2004 during the boom into 2007. While the Bank of England has choreographed its intent to raise rates as has the Federal Reserve, this meant that the markets were not surprised […]

Market Talk – January 26, 2022

ASIA: The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday cut its FY22 gross domestic growth product (GDP) forecast for India to 9 percent from 9.5 percent predicted in October, citing disruptions due to the Omicron wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the multilateral agency raised the country’s GDP projection for FY23 to 9 percent from 8.5 percent […]

Emerging Markets & Political Crisis Ahead

China has asked the Fed to please not raise rates. This has confused many to wonder when China would be asking the Fed not to raise rates. The real reason is the crisis we have in emerging markets and the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Emerging Markets are one of the main victims of tightening US monetary […]

China’s President Xi Begs the Fed Not to Ease Rates

Chinese President Xi Jinping has a request for Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell — do not raise interest rates. “If major economies slam on the brakes or take a U-turn in their monetary policies, there would be serious negative spillovers. They would present challenges to global economic and financial stability, and developing countries would bear […]

Another Board Member Flees the Fed

As I reported in November, Federal Reserve members are fleeing the central bank. Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Richard Clarida announced that he is resigning this Friday before his term ends in the midst of scandal. Similar to other Fed members who resigned in 2021, Clarida has come under harsh scrutiny for what many deem insider […]

Kazakhstan – NATO & The ECM into 2032

There is a confrontation in the wind. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and special negotiator in the US-Russia talks in Geneva, bluntly states that NATO can no longer “push” Russia to a minor role in European and international politics. NATO must return to the borders of 1997. Russia is blaming the US for the […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2022

ASIA: India cut its forecast for economic growth in the year to the end of March to 9.2% on Friday from an earlier outlook of more than 10%, as disruptions due to the Omicron variant of coronavirus hit consumer sentiment and economic activity. The new forecast for real GDP in 2021/22 compares with a contraction […]

Judge Rejects FDA Withholding Pfizer Safety Data for 75 years – Another Revolving Door

There is something seriously wrong with the FDA, CDC, and the NIH. All of these pretend “independent” health organizations need to be CRIMINALLY investigated at this point. NOTHING they recommend can be trusted. A Federal Judge ordered the FDA to Produce Pfizer’s Safety Data in 8 months rejecting their claim they need 75 years. The […]

Mortgage Lenders Provided a Record $1.61 Trillion in 2021

The post-pandemic real estate frenzy led to mortgage lenders issuing more money last year than ever before. According to records, mortgage lenders in the US issued $1.6 trillion in purchase loans in 2021, an increase from $1.48 trillion in 2020. The only time mortgage loans came close to this level was in 2005, when lenders […]