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Mueller is Conspiring to Overthrow Trump & How to Stop Him

Mueller has conspired with others in the Deep State to take down Donald Trump as President. The way they do that is, in fact, to prosecute absolutely everyone around him to compel them to give false evidence against an individual. That is the standard operating procedure in how criminal cases are brought. The talk behind the […]

Trump Tries to Deal with the Pension Crisis

  Most small businesses do not offer retirement plans because the excessive regulation which drives the costs significantly higher. Trump’s new Executive Order is primarily designed to reduce those costs by streamlining the excessive regulation. The order further makes it clear: “Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of the Treasury […]

John McCain’s Funeral Converted to a Career Politician Opportunity to bash Trump

John McCain’s funeral turned into a political event where career politicians did nothing but used the opportunity to bash Trump. The hatred these people are spinning in the country is going to lead to bloodshed. They are convinced that if they can just keep talking shit about Trump they will get rid of him and […]

Trump & the Trade War

People really think we have free trade and somehow Trump is reversing that fact. This, of course, is how the press has portrayed the issue, but that is just far from the truth. Trump is now looking at putting a 20%-25% tariff on cars coming from Europe. Personally, I only have German cars so I […]

The Elite Left & Right Said Trump will NEVER be President   Some people have asked: (1) What does Hillary have on the government not to be indicted? They are all the same (2) Why not assassinate him? That would make him a hero and they would hate to have a Trump coin This is now about preserving the ESTABLISHMENT which is crumbling. They will fight back […]

It’s Not About Trump & People Are Too Stupid to Even Look at the Trend in Motion

QUESTION: It is so confusing. Hillary took money from foreign governments which is treason and that’s ok. Cohen pays two women to keep their mouth shut and that’s a crime? It seems that this is all one giant game to prevent any reform. They seem to select who to prosecute not because they did something. What […]

The Press Conspire to Influence the Elections Come November 2018 to Overthrow Trump

The FAKE NEWS is banning together to try to overthrow Trump and the Republicans this election season. They do not like to be called FAKE NEWS and act as if their “opinion” should dominate the country. Far too many newspapers “endorse” candidates and that is taking a political position rather than being objective reporters of […]

Trying to Overthrow Trump has Avenatti Misled Stormy Daniels?

  Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ attorney, worked at a political opposition and media firm, The Research Group, which was run by Rahm Emanuel who was Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff. He also worked on Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate campaign. He is out to take down Trump for the Democrats. Avenatti has publicly stated that with Michael […]

Cohen Flips & Stormy Daniels is Out to Overthrow Trump

The world of politics is coming unglued today with Trump’s campaign chairman Manafort convicted on 8 felony counts. None of this really implicates Trump, but the real problem is with his former lawyer Michael Cohen who is pleading guilty on 8 felony counts directly implicating Trump in campaign violations. The Justice Department in New York City […]

What Comes After Trump Will Be a Major Political Confrontation that May Lead to Civil War

  The man who took a pickaxe and destroyed Trump’s Star in Holywood’s Walk of Fame was booked on a felony vandalism charge. I have stated before, ALL revolutions come from the left. They somehow hate people who have more than they do and they use that hatred to justify killing and robbing them. The […]