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US Implements High Tariffs on Chinese Goods

Worsening relations with China, the United States just hit China with a new wave of extremely high tariffs. Around $18 billion worth of Chinese goods will be affected, but the White House deems the tariffs necessary to help American industry. Washington wants everyone to drive an electric vehicle, so long as it is not produced […]

Interview: You Need Two Years Worth of Food

Click here to watch my latest interview on USAWatchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: “Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on how well the Biden economy is doing.  Spoiler alert:  It’s not doing well, and the financial system is about to tank.  I asked Armstrong if the US government could default […]

Germany and Japan to Hold Joint Naval Exercises

Japan and Germany announced plans on May 6 to hold joint naval exercises to “maintain the rules-based international order.” Despite forming an alliance over the last world war, the two nations have never coordinated naval efforts, which leads one to believe they are planning for a massive international conflict. Germany and Japan joined forces during […]

Beam Me Up Scotty is Here!

  Beam me up, Scotty! At last, the dream of teleportation is becoming a reality. All we need is someone on another planet or starship to save us from this human catastrophe these idiots are creating. In a recent experiment that seems straight out of a Star Trek episode, an international team of researchers has […]

Value Clients Exiled from Fast Food Chains

Blue states that implemented minimum wage hikes are seeing a drastic rise in food prices. Fast food chains like McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Jack in the Box, Burger King, Domino’s, and more have reported menu item hikes in places like California that now require a much higher minimum wage. This comes at a time when fast-food […]

Did the House Ban the New Testament?

As a Christian, I believe the gospel in full, every letter. The gospel says Jesus, a Jewish man – son of God – messiah, was handed over to be crucified (killed) by the chief priest, the elders, and the Jewish crowd which was prophesied in Isaiah 53. And the gospel also says,… — Rep. […]

Capital Gains Taxes Loom Over Blue States – Welcome to the Great Reset

Eleven states may face capital gain taxes to comply with the Biden Administration’s 2025 budget, in which the government must hunt the people for taxes to pay for a fraction of their spending. The concept of capital gains was not within the original Constitution.  The Founding Fathers established a completely new nation in an attempt […]

Macron Needs War Before the EU June 9th, Election as Does Biden

Emmanuel Macron is desperately trying to take Europe into World War III. The EU elections are June 9th, and the Right is well ahead in most of the polls, which is unsurprising as Europeans are starting to wake up to the cost of Climate Change. Like Biden, Macron seems to need a war, fearing a […]

Will Russia Push the Button?

  Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselyov (born 1954) is a major TV host, and his latest warning to the West is to issue an ultimatum to the UK and the US. On Russian TV, Kiselyov warned that if a Western power deploys soldiers on the ground in Ukraine to ‘inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,’ it will […]

Don’t Come to Norway – Taxing Our Way into 2032

In 2021, the Extreme Left Labour Government seized power in Norway, overthrowing the eight years of Conservative rule. Labour won 48 of the 169 parliamentary seats, one less than in 2017, but the Conservatives lost nine seats and were left with only 36. We can see that 2021 was low for the US dollar after […]