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Destroying Farmland to Reduce Population

Everywhere you look, there is this scheme to reduce farming, which will reduce population. That was the whole theory of Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) that the population would surpass the ability to grow food. That is the agenda. Wind generators or solar panels consume one-third of the farmland worldwide. This is what has inspired this thinking […]

Has Gates Unleashed a Virus to Now Kill our Dogs like He Wants to do with Cattle?

All of a sudden, there is now a MYSTERIOUS virus that is killing dogs for the first time EVER! Kennel Cough in dogs is a respiratory disease. The condition is considered to be highly contagious in dogs and produces a very dry cough. Generally, the condition makes it sound like your dog has something stuck […]

This is Why the 2024 Election Will Never Be Accepted

The Democrats have not only schemed to try to prevent Trump from being on any ballot, but they have effectively forced RFK out of the Democratic Party. They have even been trying to block any other Democrat from being on any ballot. This is in-your-face anti-Democracy. The Neocons have the Democrats as their puppet, the […]

Chuck Schummer is a Threat to the World

The Republicans have blocked funding for Ukraine, demanding restraints on the unrelenting onslaught of illegal aliens. Chuck Schumer has put out the propaganda that will risk everything the world has worked for since World War II. The Democrats are on board with the Neocons. The only way they can continue this insane agenda as we […]

Canada Limiting Oil and Gas Industry Emission

Canada has announced a plan to use a cap-and-trade system to impose greenhouse gas emission limits on its oil and gas industry. Under the “draft framework,” Canada will issue emissions allowances to oil and gas producers, which will be capped at levels between 35% and 38% below 2019 levels, beginning in 2030. The government will […]

The Central European Snowfall is on Par with the 1970s/1980s

Nobody wants to really talk about climate cycles. I can personally confirm that the snowfall in Munich appears to be worse than in the 1970s when I was there. In fact, I was snowed in the Frankfurt airport TWICE when the snow was so heavy, you could not even get a cab into town. I […]

The EAT-Lancet Commission – UN to Release Meat Consumption Limitations

It has been confirmed that the United Nations will begin to advocate for a reduction in meat consumption this December at the COP28 summit. The UN states that “richer nations” must do their part to adhere to the Paris Climate Accords by changing their dietary needs. The people making these decisions on our behalf will […]

The Shift to the Middle is Coming

All the media is so anti-common sense that anyone who dares to take any contrary view is called “FAR RIGHT” as if they are Nazis. Never in all my years have I ever witnessed the mainstream media so FAR LEFT that they are destroying the very foundation of civilization, and they do not care. The […]

The Polluter Elites

The very people flying to Davos annually on their private jets are responsible for the majority of environmental pollution. The globalists are the “polluter elites” who want to implement prohibitions on consumption for the masses. The Guardian recently reported that the top 1% produce more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%. The climate change agenda […]

6th Grader Lauren Arrington Shows Curiosity is Everything

  I have told the story before that when I was doing my reach early on at Princeton University’s Firestone Library, I became friends with a professor who had known Einstein who taught there. He said to me that I reminded him of Einstein. I was shocked because I was not making new theories in […]