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WHO Names this Coronavirus a World Emergency

The Coronavirus has been declared by the World Health Organization (WH) to be an emergency. As I reported yesterday, the death rate may not be as high as SARS which was 10%, but its spread rate is far greater. The number of cases jumped in a day from 7700 to 9682. The WHO defines a […]

The Disease Cycle Turned Up – Next Peak 2022

1918-1920 Influenza Pandemic QUESTION: Hi Marty, You had mentioned that it is possible that the Ebola virus becomes an issue in 2019, your model was certainly picking a big disease/war event. The Wuhan virus had not been identified at the time however given the recent acceleration of this breakout and the fact it was announced […]

When You Thought You Hit A Dog

QUESTION: You are wrong as usual. We just had the hottest decade. This is all about fossil fuels. There was never a CO2 problem until fossil fuels. KJ ANSWER: This entire climate change is nonsense! The first clean air act was passed by the Emperor Justinian in 535AD. Humans have burned wood long before coal. […]

ECM Day is Here

  The Economic Confidence Model has marked specific highs and lows in markets to the very day at times depending upon the shifts in capital flows. Why has the business cycle been masked in complexity that has prevented many from comprehending how it functions? I believe this is the result of the average person always […]

Volcanoes & the Risk During Solar Minimum

COMMENT: Dear Marty, Thank you so much for warning all for what is coming ! Sorry to keep reflecting on details, you wrote :“The real issue is the threat of a VEI 6- 7 which could seriously alter the climate for a year or two resulting in a Volcanic Winter. The other risk is 5 […]

Is Impeachment Always Political and Should it be Prevented?

COMMENT: I don’t believe your ECM and when the Republicans impeached Clinton this is just payback which is well deserved. They should shut your site down. Oppressed Democrat REPLY: Don’t worry, I have no desire to live forever. I understand that Socialists hate cycles and want to oppress everyone for their own benefits. I am […]

Special Update this Weekend for Pro Level on Socrates

As we have reached the turning point for the conclusion of this 8.6-year wave, there is so much going on even politically it is mind-blowing. Everything from Impeachment of Trump which may bring a surprise, European army, constitutional change in Russia, riots in Iran, a new record high in the US share market, the bounce […]

Why is 2022 A Possible Change in the Presidency?

The year 2022 is showing up as a political change in trend. That often implies a change in leadership. Since that is not a year where a presidential election would take place, given the extreme hostility which has emerged politically and the end of bipartisanship in Washington, there is the potential for the merger of […]

How Do Empires, Nations & City-States Fall – The Dark Age Cycle

  This is a special report which includes for the first time “The Dark Age Cycle” which looks into how do empires die. Sometimes they just collapse, yet at other times, civilization also collapses and moves into a Dark Age. This report distinguishes all the historical changes which have taken place and the rise and […]

The Pursuit of Knowledge

QUESTION: Hello Marty, I am fascinated by Socrates as it has opened my mind to patterns in my own nature and the flow in life. In fact, your economic models have open my awareness of the cycles in my life. As I have experienced support, resistance, reversals, phase transition and slingshots out of expanded consciousness. […]