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Private Blog Update on Gold Breaks 1362

Private Blog Update – Gold breaks through 1362

Gold – Dollar – Dow – One Happy Family?

QUESTION: Marty; You always said that gold would rise with the dollar when the time was right. It is interesting to watch this unfold with the crisis in Europe. Is the time at last right? Thanks BD ANSWER: The unraveling of Europe has begun, but the crazy period still lies ahead. We have the French […]

Gold Almost – The Close of June 17, 2016

Gold closed above the 1280 Weekly Bullish, yet below 1299 despite the fact that it pushed up to 1301 after the close. Notice that gold rallied up to 1318.90, and then crashed really hard and fast. However, it fell, as you can see, to hold the Weekly Bullish at 1280.10. Our Reversal System proves every […]

Gold Crashing June 16, 2016

QUESTION: Marty; This pop in gold smells like another manipulation. Everyone was saying Soros is selling everything and buying gold. They seem to have gotten the bugs buying with two hands again and they sold it to them. When will these games end? Ever? ANSWER: No professional trader would EVER divulge his position unless he […]

Private Block on Gold

Private Blog Gold Update

Goldman Sachs Used Prostitutes To Sell Deals?

Goldman Sachs is in a lawsuit for allegedly using prostitutes, fancy meals, and hotels to swindle the Libyan government in a $1.2 billion lawsuit. Now, before you condemn them, let me explain that New York City is not just the Big Apple — New York is the most unethical place, perhaps on Earth or at least in […]

Private Blog Update Dow & Gold

Private Blog Update Dow & Gold

British Royal Mint Selling & Sorting Gold for Pensions

The British Royal Mint is looking to sell more of its gold reserves in the form of gold bars for pension funds for the first time. They are charging 1% to store it and then they want VAT tax on top of it all. They are selling 100 g or 1 kg bars. The problem, of […]

Gold Array & Back-To-Back Directional Changes

QUESTION: Marty, I looked back at your Gold Arrays and I can see how they work rather amazingly as well. The week of February 2 was a Panic and a Directional Change. That produced a dramatic rally into a high. The next week was what you call the back-to-back Directional Change you always warn will be […]

Gold Private Blog Update

Private Blog Update