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Berlin Protest August 1, 2021

  There was a massive protest with tens of thousands of people protesting the new lockdowns. The official press claimed there was only 600 and naturally labelled them as Nazis. The previous week, there was a Gay Pride demonstration and the police did nothing. Here the police were beating protestors and a  49-year-old man died […]

The Big Capital Shift – Economic Future of Uncertainty

Capital is flowing like never before. While governments are talking Great Reset and the IMF is pushing for abandoning paper money moving to a cryptocurrency in hopes that the next stage will be for the IMF version to replace the dollar as the reserve currency, the smart money is on the move. Everything from housing […]

Who is the Real Culprit?

There is a serious question arising and that is if Klaus Schwab has been manipulated by Bill Gates? I know for an ABSOLUTE FACT that Schwab was vaccinated in February 2021. I do not believe that Schwab is conspiring with the vaccine insofar as knowing it is some form of genocide. Based on what I […]

Impact of the Arizona Audit – There is no Going Back

QUESTION: Martin you posted today about the Arizona audit and the fraud.  My question is? Besides the obvious Arizona will start the process of correcting the ballots, does this mean people are going to be kicked out of office?   Does this mean the Supreme Court will finally have to address the fraud issue?  There doesn’t seem to […]

Biden Asks Congress to Extend Moratorium on Evictions

There is no question that this entire COVID restriction is being orchestrated to force the Great Reset upon the world. While Australia has barred public gatherings restricting people’s movements beyond 5 km from their residence, Biden is also pushing the same guaranteed basic income scheme to undermine the entire economy. The Treasury Department said in […]

Canada is 100% on Board with Schwab’s Biodigital Program

All the pretend fact-checkers call it a conspiracy theory that Schwab wants to alter humanity and create trans-human species. Yet, here we have the government of Canada openly admitting that they are moving toward a biodigital world where they boldly state that this will progress to influence us to “even evolve as a species.”   […]

Governments Trying to Shut Down People Gathering to Protest

  The confidence in government is really collapsing around the world. In Australia, they are now telling people they should not even talk to anyone else in a desperate attempt to use this virus as a means to suppress society and end any assembly to prevent the overthrow of the government itself. Meanwhile, the US […]

Pfizer Vaccine Fails Against the Delta Variant

Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant has failed on a grand level. The emails coming are confirmed that about 50% of the people in Britain with the new Delta Variant have already been vaccinated. In Israel, 1,000  people with the Delta Variant have been vaccinated. Back in June, they were trying to minimize those who […]

We Can Win if we Understand the Game Plan

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have posted your model and warned that we are entering a period where totalitarianism is the objective into 2032. Can you explain perhaps in more detail what that means? Thank you for your courage in these times WH ANSWER: While everyone is focused on COVID and arguing that there is no […]

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Why Do Not Get Vaccinated or Booster

  Professor Bhakdi refers to new studies published by The Lancet which show that this is not such an unusual virus that the body does not recognize. It responds to the virus quickly showing vaccination is not necessary. Corona Viruses are different from Influenza and Bacteria or a Fungus. While I believe this virus was […]