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Market Talk – July 21, 2021

ASIA: China has scrapped its population control policy. Families in China can have as many children as they like without facing fines or other consequences. The announcement ended, in practice, decades of restrictions on the number of children each household could have, as authorities attempt to encourage births in the face of a rapidly aging […]

Market Talk – July 14, 2021

ASIA: China’s central bank cut the amount of cash most banks must hold in reserve. The People’s Bank of China will reduce the reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 of a percentage point for most banks, according to a statement published Friday. That will unleash about 1 trillion yuan ($154 billion) of long-term liquidity into the […]

Why They Need to Destroy Everything

  COMMENT: I’m a Canadian and just turned 60 this year and after receiving paperwork about the Canadian Pension here is what I learned. If I take early pension at 60 I’ll receive 489. a month. If I wait till 65 it will be 760. a month. If I wait till 70 it jumps to […]

Market Talk – July 13, 2021

ASIA: The Biden administration on Tuesday warned businesses with supply chain and investment ties to China’s Xinjiang province that they could face legal consequences, citing growing evidence of genocide and other human rights abuses in the country’s northwest region. A joint statement by the State Department, Treasury, Commerce, Homeland Security, Labor and the Office of […]

Market Talk – July 12, 2021

ASIA: China will cut the amount of cash that banks must hold as reserves, releasing around 1 trillion yuan ($154.19 billion) in long-term liquidity to underpin its post-COVID economic recovery that is starting to lose momentum. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) said on its website it would cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for […]

Market Talk – July 7, 2021

ASIA: Japan’s government expects the country’s economy to rebound to pre-COVID-19 levels by the end of March 2022, with a government official touting a strong domestic vaccine rollout and robust growth as the main upward drivers. Revised estimates show that Japan’s economy shrank less over 2021 than initially predicted, with uprated figures showing a gross […]

The Nightmare of the EU   QUESTION: Hello martin I read your blog about the madness going on in Spain and you said this is what will happen in Europe. I am in Scotland and as far as I know the UK has left Europe. But is this true? I believe that we are still tied to Europe. Do […]

Market Talk – July 1, 2021

ASIA: The Indian government announced some fresh relief measures for the economy, the first such package after the second COVID-19 wave, focusing largely on extending loan guarantees and concessional credit for pandemic-hit sectors and investments to ramp up healthcare capacities. The government pegged the total financial implications of the package, which included the reiteration of […]

The Plot Thickens

COMMENT: Dear Sir, thanks for the messages at your blog. Today I heard from my daughter that during the European soccer championship a Danish player got a heart attack. That was broadcasted but not that two days before he got a corona vaccin. My grandson of 9 yrs wants to have a vaccination. Why? He […]

Market Talk – June 28, 2021

ASIA: Washington’s effort to bring manufacturing from China to the US – so-called reshoring – is nothing but “empty talk” and the US will become increasingly dependent on the world’s second-largest economy for the foreseeable future, according to a top former Chinese economic official. Wei Jianguo, a former vice commerce minister said “The US will […]