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The End of Democracy?

COMMENT #1 [From Germany]: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I owe you an apology. For a long time I was of the opinion that the measures (lockdown, social distancing, flattening the curve) were fully justified. I had also clearly expressed this in my e-mails to you. I must admit that I was wrong. I am a learning […]

Gates – Stupid or Diabolical?

  Bill Gates is obsessed with his theory on vaccines and is clueless with regard to the economy and all the loss of jobs. People should lose their pensions, their livelihoods, and crime has already risen by 22.5% in New York City. None of this bothers Gates. Then we have the Democrats who are so […]


QUESTION #1: Dear Martin, Could you offer a comment on how these increases in deaths can affect the latest predictions that you and Socrates offered? Will we still have the sling effect? Even with reduced liquidity, with millions unemployed, with the economy in a state of war, is the Dow Jones able to react and […]

UN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus

Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or conjecture. I have WARNED that we are facing a leftist coup of major proportions. I have warned […]

Is Anthony Fauci the Destroyer of Worlds?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for your dedication and hard-work educating those people that are willing to listen. Thank you for being here with us during these turbulent times and being that beacon of light we need so desperately. When do you foresee this chaos to end? People are afraid and are acting really […]

Ronin Capital Cannot Meet CME Clearing

  The arrogance of the medical profession who justify this insanity will result in poetic justice – they have probably lost their entire pension funds by now. The CME Chicago futures exchange is in crisis mode invoking emergency protocols to auction off the portfolios of Ronin Capital, which is based in Chicago. It has been […]

Market Talk – March 19, 2020

ASIA: India reported two more deaths due to the coronavirus, bringing the death toll to five. The Indian government announced a total ban on flights by scheduled international passenger aircraft at Indian airports from March 22 to 29. Prime Minister Narendra Modi requested in his address to the nation to not come out of their […]

CORONAVIRUS Insanity & the Post-Coronavirus world

COMMENT: Marty, you are correct about this panic. Our local school said they would remain open unless there was even one case of the virus in town. We then received an email that said they were closing for 5 weeks because they were ordered by the state board of health. Nobody realizes what they are […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2020

ASIA: President Donald Trump strongly objected to efforts being taken by his own administration to restrict the sales of American technology to China over national security concerns. Contradicting his advisors, he insisted that such fears were an “excuse” and reaffirmed his commitment that the United States is open for business. Singapore’s Finance Minister Heng Swee […]

Can Interest Rates Rise when Central Banks are the Only Market Maker?

  QUESTION: How can interest rates can rise when central banks are the only market maker, & pension funds FORCED to buy gov.debt by their statutes? but why is the REPO crisis starting in the US where rates are WAY higher than in japan & Europe? you would expect this crisis to start somewhere in […]