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Fed to Be of Not to Be This Week – 14th

Today, any information ahead of something like a rate hike is seen as insider trading. But back during the 1970s going into 1981, things were different. The banks were not big proprietary traders. I would routinely get a call that the Fed would raise rates in 15 minutes. It was not that someone was trying […]

Market Talk – December 9, 2016

The euphoria created yesterday by the ECB continued in to Asia and especially Japan – again. The Yen has started to feel the heat as prices take out the 114 handle again and we make our way towards 115. The Nikkei closing the day up 1.25% has established a new high for the 2016. Producer […]

Gold Headed Lower Under $1,000 into the Abyss

India is moving now to confiscate gold after going after the cash. Currently, each married woman is entitled to 500 grams, each unmarried woman 250 grams, and each man 100 grams of gold. Everything that goes beyond is classified as illegal possession and thus will be confiscated. There is no restriction on the possession of […]

Polls in Netherlands Show Political Upset in the Wind

Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party soars ahead in polls and would win if the election were held today in the Netherlands. The political world is still in denial. Discussions circulating on Capital Hill are taking the route that Reagan was an outsider, so they just have to train Trump how this has to be done. Around […]

The Power to Manipulate is a Delusion

QUESTION: Hello Martin, every day I read your blog. Today was about All Roads Lead to the Dollar and manipulation: First you say that the system cannot be manipulated: (“the system, which is crumbling before our eyes, cannot be manipulated. This is why BREXIT, Trump, and now Hollande in France are stepping out and Italy […]

Why the Left & Government are the Greatest Threats to Domestic Life

COMMENT:  I love your site and read your blog daily – thank you! Regarding the polls, I have a friend who lives in San Diego, CA. She and I spoke just before the election and she said that for the past week to ten days, she had been receiving several calls every evening asking how […]

Freedom of Movement – Four Aspects Under Assault

We tend to assume that the freedom of movement is confined solely to migration and travel. There are four aspects to the freedom of movement, and migration or travel is only one. Yes, we warned that the Schengen Agreement would come to an end and the European refugee crisis has enabled that decline. We warned that this agreement, […]

All Roads Lead to the Dollar

  COMMENT: Marty; I have attended every conference since 2011. You have really opened my eyes and you have to be blind not see that you have called every trend from the decline in gold, rally in the Dow, collapse of Europe, the rise in the dollar, and the uptick in war/civil unrest not to […]

Austrian Elections – Still the Anti-Socialist Vote

  QUESTION: Marty, at the cocktail party you said you did not see the far-right in Austria winning for it was not the same. Then you got pulled off. Just wondering what was different in Austria? Thank you for the conference. Don’t know where you get the energy from. RP ANSWER: Cyclically, Austria was not […]

Parallels in History

QUESTION: Hi Martin Since you have a detailed grasp of world history. Can you provide any insight to any parallels with Trump’s election to any period in the past. PS- Thanks for the great insights on gold and the DOW. ANSWER: There are countless parallels, far too many to list. Many are partial and others are very […]