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The Corporate Buy-Back Trend – Right on Cue

History repeats not merely because human emotions never change, it seems we end up with the same decision process that leads to the same trends. People just love raining on the current parade as stocks rally when they missed the entire boat to begin with. The bearishness with the new highs in the S&P 500 […]

Ukraine – the Truth

I seem to be well read around the globe. If there is one position I am consistent on is that I have NEVER met with any government that is honest or for the people regardless of its declared stance – it is always about their own self-interest. Governments, of every variety, are only interested in […]

The Most Dangerous Man in Western Europe?

Everyone who knows me, knows I was very fond of Margaret Thatcher. We had some very deep conversations that revealed her true character and wisdom. She knew her history and that is one common bond we had. I loved how she would say “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something […]

The Gold Question – Luck v Fate

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I’m a long time reader and great admirer of your efforts.  I recently read an analysts opinion on inflation that I want to share with you. This analyst maintains that the Fed’s actions to stimulate the economy has done nothing more than fill the pockets of the very bankers that caused the economic […]

The Rising Global Unrest – Collapse in Marxism & Republics

  For months now, protesters have been gathering in many capital cities of developing nations such as Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Venezuela, Malaysia, and Cambodia, among others. These demonstrations are part of the rise in tension that our model warns will spread. This is the collapse of “socialism” as I put it for there is a […]


The Right to Privacy GRISWOLD V. CONNECTICUT, 381 US 479 (1965) Syllabus Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as accessories for giving married persons information and medical advice on how to prevent conception and, following examination, prescribing a contraceptive device or […]

The Debt Ceiling – Non-Issue

Behind the Curtain China and others warned the US that if it played games with the debt, it would be the last the US would be able to sell its debt to foreign lands. This is also why Obama announced tax-free long-term bonds for Americans to bring the debt home. This is why there is […]

ECB Structural Faults & Switzerland Bail-Out of Banks

QUESTION: I’m not clear about the purpose of the ECB. Each member country goes to the international capital market and gets a different cost for its bond issuance based on its credit worthiness and other factors. If the ECB’s role is to redistribute the debt loads of stressed countries by taking from the less stressed countries, […]

Europe is a Basket Case – Just Turnout the Lights Now & Save Energy

The German high court has issued a stunning attack upon the European Central Bank, arguing that its rescue plan for the euro violates EU treaty law and exceeds the bank’s policy mandate. Anyone who studied just one semester of law understands that this decision is right on point. One of the primary reasons I disagree with […]

Enslaving the Next Generation

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong: I have 2 questions. I’m 31, and like most graduates of graduate schools, I have student loans. 1) What will happen to our generation who seem to be getting more and more stuck in student loan debt, which is backed by the federal government?  Will the government forgive it?  Or will […]