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Peak in Government Corruption 2015.75?

  As we move into this peak 2015.75, one aspect that should become more obvious is the total breakdown in the corruption of everything. Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey was indicted yesterday on bribery charges.He has been charged for a scheme to trade political favors for luxury vacations, golf outings, campaign donations and expensive flights. […]

From Greece

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Your solution is unbelievable. Greece’s debt is selling at a huge discount from face just like Mexico in 1986. If we follow your model, this would reverse everything. I agree opening this up for all holders of debt rather than exclusively domestic as they did in Eastern Europe would entice major new […]

Quantity Theory of Money is Being Scrapped

The Quantity Theory of Money that an increase in supply should result in a decrease in its purchasing power (inflation) is being seriously questioned behind the curtain. The simplistic idea is starting to be exposed as an ancient myth. It is interesting how many phone calls are coming in from around the world as people […]

Monopoly Game & Single Tax Movement

History is all about amazing connections between ideas and events that become reality. We far too often forget our origins of customs and terms. For example, New Jersey is named after Julius Caesar – Nova Caesaria (land of the new Caesar). A Caesarian birth is named after how he was born and of course July […]

Sophistry & Confusion over the Fed

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; There are those who argue that the Fed caused the booms in the developing countries by lowering interest rates that resulted in them borrowing in dollars making the world now short the dollar and thus have enslaved the world to the dollar. Therefore, they claim that whoever controls the central bank of the […]

Debt & Reserve Currency

QUESTION: Marty, Would nations still issue debt in the reserve currency or their local currency? If countries issued debt in the reserve currency, wouldn’t that be the same problem you have pointed out with the euro? You have made it clear that debt is the great destroyer of civilization. It seems that this is the […]

Fiat and the Abuse of Using This Term

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong People seem to just equate any non commodity form of money as being fiat. But fiat means a value dictated by government. There seems to be a foot-loose use of the word fiat to the point I am not sure what people are yelling about. Bitcoin fluctuates wildly so where is the […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]

Honey & Decline in Bee Population on target for 2019

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Thank you so much for saving me from unending opinions and the latest flavours of the day.  I have been reading your material for a couple of years now and I have truly had a transformation in perspective. You mention periodically that the history of the world has been put into your computer.  […]

Our Proprietary Capital Flow Models

  COMMENT: Marty, I cannot believe all the organizations, press articles, and forecasts that now claim capital flows are headed into the USA. This has been your model for decades and I remember you explaining how the data is gathered on a collective basis globally and is not from a single published source. You are […]