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Free Handouts Always Invoke a Behavior Change

  Animals are not stupid. Even a bird will respond to free food and trust you to come close. Here I am feeding a bird willing to fly up to me because I have free food. Humans are no different.  Like the bird that trusted me, humans trust government to be there as well. What […]

Atlas is Getting Tired of Holding up the World Economy

It is becoming a familiar story of global uprisings and discontent outside the USA while steady economic growth in the USA remains the only thing holding up the world economy. Socialism is dead just as communism. The idea that governments can manipulate the economy to smooth out the business cycle has been a disaster. Even […]

Why US Regulators Cannot Be Trusted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, how do you explain away even the big corporations involved in manipulating markets like the Sumitomo copper manipulation that the company admitted an almost $2 billion loss claiming a rogue trader? ANSWER: Let me make one point clear. WHATEVER you have read about manipulations is most likely totally wrong. I have NEVER […]

You Did Not Need to be Scottish to Count Votes

Well sometimes a little digging works just fine. After discovering the residency only qualification for a right to vote, the logical assumption would be that the vote counters also had no requirement to be Scottish. Well that hunch proved to be correct. Here is the criteria for counting. It turns our that the supervisor did […]

Why the 2014 Precious Metals Outlook Report is Important

COMMENT: Marty, I just ordered the Gold report. Wanted you to know I am not a gold bug….just interested in a market that is BOTTOMING…with good upside as opposed to the current US markets. Like many, just not interested in these valuations as the “perceived” risk is greater than a market that potentially has significant upside […]

Violence Begins in Glasgow

The violence has begun in Glasgow as loyalists have started to attack pro-independence supporters. This entire situation remains unresolved and now not only is Scotland divided, the damage in seeping into the UK as a whole. Politicians are already backing away of promises to devolve more power to Scotland. I serious question this will ever end […]

Manipulation – Here we go Again

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, How can you say the metals are not manipulated? It is you and your people who keep shorting gold to prevent a rally. ANSWER: The people who say that is what I say are those manipulating you. They are biased and will go down with the ship because they are married to […]

Scotland Sells out to the Dole

In America, the support for Scottish Independence was overwhelming running 80%+ Scottish Flags were appearing everywhere – even in Philadelphia they hung one-off the bridge. But in Scotland where people rely upon handouts from Britain (dole), self-interest prevailed. With all 32 council areas in Scotland now declared, the No (unionist) secured 55% of the vote with […]

74% of all Municipals want to raise Taxes – Hello DEFLATION!

Municipal governments are going broke everywhere. This entire structure of government would never have been designed even by a moron. In Germany. a survey of 300 municipalities shows that 74% are planning to raise taxes. Now 27% plan to increase their cemetery fees, 25% want to demand more money for attending daycare or day schools. […]

Edinburgh Seminar April 29, 1997 Transcript

  Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Edinburgh Transcript April 29, 1997     I would like to begin today with a brief overview as to how we at Princeton look at markets. For those of you who attended last year’s conference I will try to be as brief as possible.   Effectively, our models are based […]