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Bank Manipulations Coming to an End?

I have stated for years that the banks are NOT great traders – they are manipulators. You can tell the bias and untrustworthiness of mainstream press for just about every organization criticized Greg Smith’s book – Why I Left Goldman Sachs. Any journalist who dared to support Goldman and diminish what Smith wrote about is […]

The Paradox of the Dollar & the Crash

The dollar haters remain fixated on supply is supposed to determine value with a very myopic view that never considers DEMAND. They simply cannot understand why the dollar has not collapsed and in turn cling to some wild all-powerful conspiracy behind the strength of the dollar. I have stated countless times, the money center banks […]

Wildcat Banks

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; One of the criticisms of you is that you support the idea of a central bank. Your view that Andrew Jackson destroyed the central bank and caused a depression and sovereign debt defaults appears to be a different view than what is talked about in the gold community. Could you explain your […]

Investors Dumping Hedge Funds Who Missed the Whole Trend

Investors have been bailing out of hedge funds at the fastest pace in four years. Most hedge funds have performed miserably missing the stock rally, confused in metals and commodities, bewildered by the currency and bond markets, and befuddled by the collapse in emerging markets. The asset allocations have never been so bad. The forecasts […]

Hyperinflation Is it even Possible?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have investigated your explanation of hyperinflation and can see that you are correct in that this is limited to third world and revolutionary governments. Is it correct to say that as government becomes a bit more aggressive to try to meet its obligations, the economic collapse is a self-destruction process of […]

The Tax Hunt is for Anyone – not just the Rich!

  The hunt for money as government get desperate is destroying the world economy but also the lives of so many people. I have reported previously how a 14-year-old cannot open an account in Switzerland because his mother is American, his father is Swiss, and he was born in Switzerland never traveling to the USA. […]

Collectibles Are Still in Bull Market

The first gold coin produced in the American Colonies is known as the 1787 Brasher Doubloon that was just sold at the Heritage auction for $4,582,500. Ancient coins are generally up substantially over the last 10 years with pieces that sold for $20,000 in 1994 bringing today $150,000 to $200,000. Money continues to move out of […]

Panic of 1791

During the early years of Washington’s Administration, Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, strive diligently to establish a sound system of banking in an effort to stabilize the currency of the nation. However, due to failure of Continental Currency and the lack of immediate convertibility into the proposed federal US dollar, speculation and volatility plagued […]

Panic 1907

The Panic of 1907 came after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake which actually exposed the entire problem of regional internal capital flows within the United States caused by the business cycle and the great variety of localized economies. While the traditional accounts of the Financial Panic focus on as crisis that took place over a three-week period starting […]

Panic of 1896

  The Panic of 1896 is perhaps best known for the fiery speech of William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) who was the Silver Democrat’s Presidential candidate that year. The major thrust down took place during the Panic of 1893. However, by 1896, the economic conditions had not improved very much. There was still a dramatic and […]