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Panic of 1837

    The Panic of 1837 was one such incident involving an unstable currency and financial system resulting in a lack of confidence in both government and the banks. An independent treasury system emerged when President Andrew Jackson transferred in 1833 government funds from the Bank of the United States to state banks. The Bank […]

Panic 1893

The Panic of 1893 was quite different from the US panics that had preceded. To a large extent, the Panic of 1893 came on the heels of American speculation in overseas investment which had kept up with the trend toward “global diversification” and opportunity much like that of the 1990s. The Panic of 1893 was […]

Panic 1873

The Silver Democrats came to label this financial crisis the Crime of 1873. Of course, they understood nothing with respect to the global economy and merely assumed that the could do as they desired domestically without any regard to international trends of implications. Up until the year 1873, all the dollars in the world were […]

Hedge Funds are now Too Big to Fail Qualifying them for Seizure if $100 billion+

The Federal Reserve began as a simple private sector clearing house/insurance fund, which is why the banks were the owners. Yes, the Fed was given the power to create money that was to be ELASTIC. They would create money during a bank panic to satisfy demand and then shrink it when depositors return to the […]

Euro – Cycle Inversion or Phase Transition

QUESTION: Martin In your latest post you go into very good detail of how the Euro continues to be strong(although it has been noted the model expected it to fall) and that when the Euro does fall it will take the European markets with it. Are we to assume that if the dollar does rally it […]

Super-Cycles How to Detect & Do they Exist

QUESTION & OBSERVATION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you so much for your public work. I was turned on to your work a few years ago while you were still writing prison newsletters. At the time I was still on the Goldbug / Conspiracy bandwagon, and your views were like a fresh of breath of fresh […]

Europe – What Crisis? DAX At New Highs

Many European shares have been the best performers in 2013 and the general optimism in Europe for 2014 is far more bullish than in the USA. Even Reuters’ poll of more than 350 strategists, analysts and fund managers, shows the expectations are for more gains. Indeed, looking at the Frankfurt DAX, its gains in 2014 […]

A Very Valid Point Behind Conspiracies

  The wilder the Conspiracy Theories, the more people pay no attention to Government and hand them more power in the process. Even then, people attribute such vast long-term knowledge and schemes to these people it is unbelievable. I have worked with people on Capitol Hill, in Europe and Asia. The reason they called me […]

What About Britain?

QUESTION: Do you see IMF appropriations for non-Eurozone countries like Britain? Or was it solely the Eurozone mentioned in the plans. Surely they would rather devalue their currency than something like this in Britain? Not sure the Brits would put up with this. Do you remember the Poll Tax riots suffered by Thatcher? Best regards, […]

Diamonds the New International Money?

  Everyone has heard that the diamond industry is a monopoly controlled by the De Beers Family of Companies. That perception has been the standard response because they in fact had such a monopoly beginning in the mid-1800s. That actually came to an end in 2000. There has never been a commodity exchange for diamonds […]