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NSA Destroying American Technology

American technology companies are losing business on a major scale. The NSA will be responsible for wiping out the United States as a leader in computer science all because they have to listen to the entire world like an old woman addicted to soap operas. I find myself totally shocked at Microsoft. I purchased the […]

The Dow as we Approach 2015.75

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thanks for all the insights as always. Just one thing confusing me – as of October 2015, when the ECM turns down, what happens to the markets? On one blog you wrote a temporary setback in US markets, in another “It is about CONFIDENCE. As the ECM turns down, then you will see […]

Democracy v Republic & Big Bang

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, Thank you for the education in economics that I am receiving from you by reading your daily blog. I have  one question:  When you refer to the “big bang” that is going to occur on 2015.75, can I infer then a “bigger bang” will occur on 2024.35 and that the “biggest bang” will occur on 2032.95? […]

How FATCA is Destroying the World Economy & Americans

The horror stories from Americans around the world are just unbelievable. The IRS and FATCA are hunting people everywhere. This is part of the Decline & Fall of the United States. Whenever a government turns against its own people for taxes to sustain its life, the end is never far behind. This is part of […]

G20 Leaders Plead with Fed Not to Raise Rates

  The degree of crisis that we are now moving into is just off the charts. The G20 finance ministers have urged the Federal Reserve to “minimize negative spillovers” from potential interest-rate increases. With the collapse of the Swiss/Euro Peg, they have been stunned into the realization of cross-currency borrowing. For decades, bankers have been […]

Australia – A Crisis in Confidence

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey  The Sydney Morning Herald has published a piece a reader has sent in from Downunder. The piece is all about how Australians have lost confidence in government. “Here’s what’s missing: trust. Not just between Abbott and his backbenchers, but also between Abbott and us. If anything,  the […]

Ukraine should have Been Divided

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I initially disagreed with you that Ukraine should be divided. I lived in Donetsk. I have fled to the West taking my family to safety. Those of us who were pro-Ukrainian were the minority. More than 6,000 people have died trying to hold this country together. I concede, sir, you were correct […]

The Sharp Rise in Hoarding Cash = Deflationary Trend

In ancient times, whenever there was a rise in war or political uncertainty, the human reaction was to hoard money. The hoard of ancient Roman coins 3rd century we purchased for study from Britain years ago reflected coins of both the Roman Empire and the Gallic Empire. Even the debased coinage was being hoarded. This […]

The 224-Year Cycle of Political Change Report

The year 2013 was a highly important turning point for the future of the United States. Edward Snowden’s exposure of the NSA’s spying has revealed that the United States is no different from some of the most notorious governments in history. The entire debt ceiling crisis has also led to a profound realization behind the curtain that the United States lost its sovereignty because of its excessive indebtedness. It cannot even wage war without the approval of its creditors – China and Russia.

This incredible special report on the “224-Year Cycle of Political Change” covers USA, China, and Russia. However, the sheer scope of tracing this cycle back through the centuries to illustrate how it has correlated to the rise and fall of empires, nations, and city-states, will open your eyes to the realization that there is indeed a time and place for everything.


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Yes it is Scary – But Necessary

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Once again, thank you for all the information you provide on a daily basis.  It is informative as well as scary at the same time.  I’m afraid you are preaching to the hard headed.  Here in Canada, people truly believe in government and socialist ideologies.  It is amazing to see that they […]