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2017 Outlook Report Now Available

  The 2017 outlook report is available providing an overview of the world economy connecting the dots. Here we have provided a table should the 2016 closings, resistance and support for 2017, with the buy and sell signals on an annual basis. The markets included see below. Additionally, we have covered the select regions to […]

From Behind the Wall – Mexico

US-Mexico Border in Arizona COMMENT: Greetings from the other side of the Wall (i.e. Mexico) Mr Armstrong! First, I would like to thank you for what you do, as a young person committed with helping the world thrive I cannot tell you how empowering it was to discover your work and get to know your story, […]

The “Trump Revolution” is not about Trump Himself

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Your recent article regarding Trump is a major shift in your view regarding his coming administration,  at least to me any new thing that you pinpoint is like an  alert and makes me to think further.  When you point out something it is better to be cautious.  It is now  possible that […]

Market Talk – January 18, 2017

Core Asian indices had a relatively good session today with small gains seen across the board. Currencies had been a little stretched yesterday so with a reset today saw exporters climbing from yesterdays lows. The yen is off its 112.50 highs and is currently trading mid 113’s which is also lifting Nikkei futures off it […]

Lewis & Media Do Not Even Understand Why there is the Electoral College

QUESTION: Marty; I find Lewis very disrespectful saying Trump is not the legitimate president. He might have been involved in the civil rights movement, but he is coming off as one of these intolerables who regards anyone who voted for Trump a deplorable. I am very disappointed in him at this point. Any comment? ANSWER: […]

Market Talk – January 16th, 2017

A heavy day for Asian shares with 1% declines for many core markets. The fear was created as the British Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to claim that Britain will make a “clean and hard” exit from the European Union when she makes her speech on Tuesday. Sterling was trading around the 1.2200 for the majority of […]

What About Collectibles?

QUESTION: Hi Marty! I would like to have your thinking about one important thing: the exit of this mess. I was in the last two WEC with my friend Mark and enjoy them a lot and we will be on the next one for sure.The two months that follow the last one in November 2016, I […]

Understanding Global Market Watch

QUESTION: Good afternoon, I have a quick question regarding the GLOBAL MARKET WATCH. Are the results updated only at the end of each time period (day, week, month, quarter or year) or are they updated constantly throughout the time period? For example: I have noticed that the monthly trend on gold started January with a […]

Do Not Trust Governments or Their Employees

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am familiar with the case of Robert Kahre who eventually lost a battle with the IRS for paying his employees in $20 gold pieces to avoid payroll taxes. However, do you think holding foreign currency gold pieces in a foreign bank account would be different from a US tax perspective so that […]

Currency v Language

QUESTION: Do language and currencies move in line with each other? Is language a leading indicator to currency i.e. Spanish in California. Will they create their own currency if they separate from the states? ANSWER: There is a direct link between currency and language. When I was doing interviews in Europe, I explained the euro would […]