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Comment from Ontario

COMMENT:  Mr. Armstrong Your statements about having to crash and burn were borne out by the recent election in Ontario Canada where the Liberals, admittedly one of the most corrupt governments in Canada, having doubled the deficit in about 11 years, were handed a majority government because they promised the moon to everyone, including no […]

Consumption Tax – Will It Ever Return?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, One of the knocks against a consumption tax has always been its potential effect on the deficit. It seems that argument is now irrelevant in the age of QE. This is the perfect time to move to a consumption tax (esp. w/ IRS scandal) GB REPLY: We did a lot of research into […]

Invasion of Children

The Department of Homeland Security dealing with more than 48,000 unaccompanied children crossing the border into Texas has created a real controversy. Aside from the humanitarian issues, we must consider what is causing this issue. That centers on immigration reform and the idea of giving amnesty to children. Quite frankly, if I was Mexican, I would […]

The Theory Behind NEGATIVE Interest Rates

QUESTION: Not sure if this is even possible. Can the consumer savings interest rates go to a level at or below Zero that will drag down the lending interest rate lower? Thus making borrowing even cheaper to stimulate the economy with more cheaper debt and punish savers. Will our designed economic system sustain this thinking […]

Was Socrates Surprised by Negative Rates?

QUESTION: Will you have to change your/Socrates opinion due to this extraordinary step? I please you to give as an idea, as Socrates seems to be currently not updated. ANSWER: We actually have a very comprehensive interest rate database. Above is a picture of world interest rates but based upon capital concentration back to 3000BC. That […]

Gold & Institutions

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, First I wanted to thank you for your continued education and telling the truth about how things really work.  Seems we have been taught a load of cr-p.  I too am below water having listened to the gold promoters, who either are blatantly lying or have delusioned themselves to their false […]

European Poverty Reached 123 million – 16%

The Sovereign Debt Crisis that began to show its head in Europe is demonstrating that socialism just does not work. The whole idea of a central managed state and highly regulated pro-worker policy has reduced job growth and exploited labor to such an extent with taxes that the euro countries can no longer fulfill their […]

Metals Update

The two Daily Bearish Reversals are 1240 and 1186. We are holding the 1240 level for now with a minor Daily Bullish forming at 1262 and 1294. We see a turning point next week and the week of the 23rd. We do not see the meltdown yet without a monthly closing below 1190 area. We also […]

King of Spain Abdicated – Protests Against Monarchy

The Spanish King Juan Carlos abdicates on national TV citing political reasons. In his televised speech, the monarch declared that he would make way for a new generation, and clear the way “to a better future”. He will be succeeded by Prince Felipe who has somewhat better public polls than his elephant hunting father. In January, two-thirds of Spaniards favored […]

Windows 8 – NSA- Creatures of Patterns

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve just read the following article and the facility to connect to your PC from another machine, using the remote desktop protocol has been in Microsoft Products since Windows 2000, there’s nothing controversial about it, that’s how the industry administer other servers or PC’s. I thought you might like an industry insider’s […]