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Gold & The Global Market Watch

QUESTION: Marty; I find the Global Market Watch really amazing. The talk of India banning gold imports could lead to a crash you have warned about under $1,000. The weekly level in gold came up and said about to crash and even caught the high the week of 07 November. The monthly also caught the […]

Hillary Exposed – Australia Withdraws Donation for Hillary’s Pay-to-Play Scheme

For all the fools who supported Hillary claiming her Foundation was not illegal and doing good, Now Australia, who donated $75 million to the Clintons tax free has joined Norway cutting their donations. All government will withdraw their support for Hillary’s foundation because it was just corruption – pay to play. Hillary even had the […]

Foreign Governments Cutting off Funding for Hillary

Hillary supporters claimed that the Clinton Foundation was an innocent, “charitable” organization. On his proposed first day to “Drain the Swamp,” Trump will impose a LIFETIME BAN ON LOBBYING FOR FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. Numerous foreign governments handed money to the Clintons purely for “influence.” The corruption with Norway’s link to the Clinton Foundation extended to Obama. This […]

AI Computer Systems – Do They Need to be Regulated?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your incredible contribution to humanity, everything you have done so far would take thousands of average humans to achieve. I am writing to ask for your advice on a very serious problem facing mankind. With the exponential development of AI systems I can see only one conclusion to this […]

Le Pen Doubling Hollande in Polls

Last Thursday in France, Le Monde showed President Hollande polling at 14% while likely Republican candidate and former president Nicolas Sarkozy scored 21%. However, the clear hands-down winner of the poll was anti-mass migration Front National party leader Marine Le Pen. Le Pen gathered 28% of those surveyed, which was double that of the current President Hollande. […]

New York Times Partly Responsible for the Violence

  New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted that his paper was unconstitutionally biased and disgraced the very principle of the First Amendment. Sulzberger tries to cover-up their bias by saying they underestimated Donald Trump’s support among American voters. He then claimed they would “rededicate ourselves” to the newspaper’s standards of “honestly” reporting news. […]

If the Electoral College Voted for Hillary

  The proposal that the Electoral College should have voted for Hillary, thereby undermining the Constitutional structure of state v federal rights, was very serious. It demonstrates just how corrupt her followers can be willing to destroy everything to force their way upon the whole. This proposal would have destroyed the entire Constitution, and Hillary would have […]

The Rising Civil Unrest in America is Highly Dangerous for the Future

  The American Revolution was inspired by one book entitled Common Sense by Thomas Paine. We even find British political tokens with the saying “END OF PAIN“, which was obviously a pun on his name. He was demonized by the British as the man who inspired the Revolution. According to this intense studies of the Continental Army […]

Will Obama Pardon Hillary?

President Ford granted former President Richard M. Nixon an unconditional pardon for all Federal crimes that he “committed or may have committed or taken part in” while in office. Ford said his pardon was intended to spare Mr. Nixon and the nation further punishment in the Watergate scandals. This establishes the precedent and answers the […]

Cast of Hamilton Show How Politically Ignorant they Truly Are

The audacity of the cast of Hamilton booed Pence when he attended. They showed how ignorant they truly are of politics and how they are fueling the great divide in the United States that threatens civil war all because they totally lack any comprehension of reality. It does not matter who the President might be, […]