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The Value of an Artistic Eye – You Seen Patterns other Do Not

COMMENT: Marty; I just had to write to let you know how much you do mean to a lot of people given the stubborn goldbugs who do hate your guts it seems. I bought the stocks in 2011 with the turn in your model. I sold gold in 2011 and all my gold stocks at […]

Law of Unintended Consequences

  I have pointed out that making something criminal seems to increase the activity and it appears that one aspect behind the trend is you are exempting it from taxation. Therefore, prohibition funded the Mafia. There is another aspect to the Law of Unintended Consequences that answers the question WHY no empire has died of […]

Taxing Financial Transactions – Why Did Interest Rates hit 200% in 1899

The European idea of taxing financial transactions is nothing new. The EU aims to tax financial institutions a minimum of 0.1% on purchases of shares, bonds and other securities, and a minimum of 0.01% on the notional amount of derivatives traded either on- or off-exchange. Historical evidence indicates that this will discourage foreign investment while increasing […]

Panic of 1907

Panic of 1907 The Panic of 1907 came after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and that exposed the entire problem of regional internal capital flows within the United States caused by the business cycle and the great variety of localized economies. Indeed, such a period of a temporary shortage burst forth during the Panic of 1907 and […]

Free Markets Always Win

QUESTION: Hello Martin. Recently you stated “The entire central banking system is in serious trouble. They have manipulated rates lower but fear what happens when the economic pressure forces as rise.” In your opinion do any “free markets” exist or is the “black market” the only true free market left? And if all “markets” are manipulated how can there […]

Fed Balance Sheet hits $4 trillion

The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet expanded to a record $4 trillion in the week ended December 18th. The Fed balance sheet has expanded thanks to QE  buying $85 billion a month in Treasurys and mortgage related assets since last January. The Fed’s balance sheet has expanded from $891 billion in 2007 without creating inflation. This is […]

Fed Tapers Letting As Always the Lame Duck Do the Job

The U.S. Federal Reserve announced plans to trim its aggressive bond-buying program by $10 billion but will maintain its key interest rate at low levels for even longer than previously promised. This is precisely the way things always go in Washington. Granted, only a 12% of the analysts thought the Fed would Taper today pushing […]

Is 40,000 on the Dow Enough?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that the Dow could reach 40,000 by 2032. That is a compound annual growth rate of 4.94%. Is that even enough to rescue the pension funds, or are they doomed regardless? Thanks, MB ANSWER: No it is not. The projection of 40,000-42,000 is a NORMAL projection, and not […]

Why Tapering is No Big Deal

This insane focus of the Fed’s options — “tapering” or not, misses the entire point. Most people admit that the whole quantitative easing has failed. True, the unemployment rate has fallen from a peak of 10% in 2010 to 7% today and the Fed’s target it claims is to keep short-term rates a near zero until […]

Fed Meeting Tomorrow

The employment and growth data have improved since the last Fed meeting in October, and Congress has reached a two-year budget deal that takes them right up to 9/30/2015 perfectly in line with the ECM peak at 2015.75. Our target date has been published for years and is a straight mathematical formula. The precise day […]