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Spain – Mass Left Rally for Change & Debt Default

I have warned that when the economic crisis hits, the tree has been cut. However, it can just as easily fall to the left as it can to the right. Do we end up with FREEDOM or SERVITUDE? During 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany, Roosevelt in the USA, and Mao in China. Those who focus closely on […]

Starting to Get It – Great News

COMMENT: Martin, after reading your rather long post today entitled the paradox of inflation deflation, I found myself understanding it without having to read and re read it a number of times as I have in the past, its all coming together, thank you very much for the education that you provide to all including […]

The Fed & The Fish Bowl Economy Theory

QUESTION: Sir, Thank you so much for sharing your insights via your website. I only recently discovered it and devour the writings daily. In the interest of full disclosure, I am not an economist nor do I pretend to be intelligent enough to portray any deep knowledge on the subject. I do however enjoy watching trends […]

The Paradox of Inflation/Deflation

QUESTION:  Martin   You have really added dimensions to my thinking. Thank you very much. One thing that continues to puzzle me is how empire’s die and inflation/deflation. I get the part about the deflationary aspects of killing the economy via regulation and taxation. It is right in front of us every day. I get […]

Greek Elections – Conservatives Out.

The Greek elections have come in as the polls projected. The alliance of leftist parties SYRIZA won the Greek parliamentary election on Sunday by a large margin. The party of Alexis Tsipras will therefore reach 36.5 percent of the vote. Accordingly, SYRIZA can expect 149 to 151 seats in the new parliament. For an absolute majority of 151 of the 300 seats in the […]

Davos – The Arrogance of Officialdom

In 55BC, Cicero stood before the Senate of Rome and warned of its demise because of a trade deficit importing spices and silk from China. He spoke of the “arrogance of officialdom” and the more I studied the going ons throughout history, the more it hit me – history repeats because the passions of man […]

Sundance Refused to Show the film FORECASTER

  The FORECASTER will NOT be shown at the Sundance Film Festival to answer the emails. Sundance refused to show the film based upon information and belief from reliable sources despite getting good reviews even in Hollywood. So you can speculate why. Probably the same source that tried to have the trailer removed from YouTube, controls […]

ISIS Demands Money for Hostages

  ISIS now demand $200 million in ransom or they will behead two Japanese hostages. This seems to be retaliation for last week, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged $200 million in non-military assistance to support countries affected by the campaign against ISIS during his six-day Middle East tour. This Islamic State has now released a video […]

The Euro/Swiss Has Been Warning The Peg Could Not Hold

  At the Berlin World Economic Conference I delivered the same forecast we gave to the Swiss – the EURO/SWISS PEG COULD NOT HOLD.  Indeed, its lasted about Pi 3.14 years before the pressure really built and 3.3 years it cracked. Who is to blame? The Swiss? Or does the blame belong to Brussels and […]

Opinion v Capital Flow Analysis

Over the past three years, I have received countless emails about how I am wrong and if it were not for me commodities would rise. These nasty comments are typical from someone who wishes to live in denial and pretend that their OPINION is correct and that the world is wrong – never them. My […]