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NBC’s Snowden Interview

NBC has published a reasonable interview with Edward Snowden. It is worth the time to watch. It provides a glimpse into what he is about and explains the data mining that people have no idea the revelations that can emerge. The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be […]

Gold For the Close of May

Gold is moving into the June seasonal low on schedule. A closing for the month on a Nearest Futures basis tomorrow below 1251 should result in the sharp decline. A monthly closing BELOW 1192 will warn serious of a sharp decline that will more than likely break the $1000 level. C A U T I […]

One World Currency- From their Crack in the Wall

QUESTION: Marty, I want to thank you for saving me from the nonsense of the goldbugs. They go on and on about one-world governments and manipulations and that is their excuse for being wrong. They cannot understand even what is a reserve currency or that it is merely the economic language as you say. They are […]

Bildebergs Losing Control?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are people who claim you refuse to see the obvious that there is a group called the Bildebergs that they insist even Hillary Clinton admitted they do nothing without consulting them. It just seems absurd that these people point to such all powerful groups who control the world in unison yet […]

Unions Out of Control – the Real Poison Pill

Unions have been the real plague of society. There is not much they have not really destroyed. They wiped out New York City as a port. No ships dock in New York City any more. They seriously reduced the American auto industry reducing quality that opened the door for foreign cars. The big three US auto […]

Why Conspiracy Theories Give Way Too Much Credit to Mythical People

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I retired this year from …. where my boss has gone to these yearly Bilderberg meetings. I just wanted to say that they are indeed as clueless as you report. Quite frankly, many follow your writings for the greatest fear is the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the global hunt for tax money. There is […]

Insider Trading & Manipulations

COMMENT:  I can also tell you from my personal experience that what you are writing about insider trading is false. I worked in the same office as Steve Cohen way back in the 80’s when he was just starting out. This was in lower Manhattan before he moved Uptown and later to Connecticut. His first big score […]

More Insider Trading Nonsense – Where’s the Beef?

Michael Steinberg was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for insider trading on Friday emerging from the destruction of the hedge fund SAC. This is WHY the firm was prosecuted because it was not NYC based. Secondly, this helps the SEC and DOJ pretend they prosecute Wall Street when they do not. Insider Trading is […]

GDP of Poland & Ukraine – The Numbers Behind the Revolution

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I saw a chart showing Poland’s economy vs Ukraine’s economy since the end of the USSR and it showed that Ukraine’s economy is smaller than 1991. You stated the people of Donetsk have nothing left, but did they have anything to begin with? It seems the Ukraine’s government was destroying everyone’s saving […]

Australia’s New ‘Demolition man’

Australia has been a resource-rich country that was used to running a surplus in the years headed into the 2007 financial crisis. The deficit now has a lot of people concerned in Australia – but not all. Australia is a highly socialistic country with very vocal Marxist groups. Mr Abbott has indicated that all Australians […]