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Market Talk – November 18, 2016

Japan appears to be in a world of its own this week as not one day has it followed the rest of Asia. Yesterdays meeting between Prime Minister Abe and Trump has failed to produce headlines but I would not rule that out for the weekend though! On the week the Nikkei has gained over […]

Have the Democrats Unleashed a New Age Communist Revolution?

Understand one thing: revolutions emerge from the youth. With all the rhetoric hurled during the campaign, and Bernie Sanders promising free everything at the expense of anyone who works for a living, the youth have become an increasingly communistic generation. Typically, candidates promise everything and nobody really expects them to deliver. This election has hit a nerve simply because it […]

The Color Purple – Not the Movie but a Revolutionary Movement

USA Today showed this photo by Olivier Douliery, it portrayed the color purple as the very words handed to them by Clinton, Inc.: “Purple is the blend of red and blue. It’s one of three colors of the suffrage movement. And it has deep ties to Christianity.” Purple was the color of royalty. Nobody but the Roman […]

The New American Communist Revolution?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, The computer forecasted perfectly the Trump victory. Now some people are trying to prevent a Trump presidency. Is President Elect Trump going to be impeached or obliged to resign ? What does the computer is forecasting and what do you think about it ? Thank you very much, LB ANSWER: No. Trump […]

The Black Box?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it has become expressly clear that you have created a model which beats everything out there. Your forecasts on gold that it would rally up to 1362 and then crash was impressive as was your call for new highs in the Dow back in 2011. Nevertheless, these forecasts pale in comparison to your […]

The WEC 2016 Orlando

This year’s World Economic Conference held in Orlando included people from more than 30 countries. This has become almost like a College reunion. We are looking at holding one perhaps in 6 months in Hong Kong. We will keep you posted. This will be after the next election in France. Yes Donald Trump was here […]

The Real Clinton Conspiracy that Backfired – The Worst Candiate in American History

Meanwhile, Hillary lost not merely because she misread the “real” people, she decided to run a very divisive and nasty negative campaign, which has fueled the violence ever since. According to WikiLeaks emails from campaign John Podesta, Clinton colluded with the DNC and the media to raise what they thought would be the extreme right among Republicans […]

Democrats Refuse to Work For the Country

Change is the engine of advancement. We cannot advance without it and we never advance without first making a mistake. Today, I have never seen in politics reach such a low level. Most Democrats on Capitol Hill are showing how un-American they really are with this display of open hostility, resentment, and plain old being […]

Market Talk – November 10, 2016

One of the largest one day gains seen in the Nikkei with a rally of almost 7% on the day. Upon the open almost no trades were seen until the index was over 5% higher, comfortably taking out the 17k level again. However, the flip-side of this move was the JPY which traded from 101 […]

The Left Shows How Intolerant They Can Be

Protests have erupted against Trump from the people who have been brainwashed by the media and the Democratic machine. The deep divisions that this election has exposed within the nation and Clinton’s speech not to give up on their agenda invites nothing but violent and civil unrest looking ahead. Of course these very people who […]