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The Dow – To Be or Not To Be – Blowing Bubbles or Hot Air?

While the amount of bears in the stock market are truly amazing, there are simply countless economists and analysts all claiming this is the all time high and a crash is imminent. They claim the classic feature of a speculative bull market peak is identified by the margin debt on the NYSE. Tracking this indicator, […]

The Euro & Dollar – the Essence of Chaos

Nothing has changed with the Euro v the dollar. We are waiting for the turn in 2014 and that remains in place. In order to set the stage for the worst of the worst, we need to move to extremes in both directions. Economically, Europe is a disaster. You typically have the currency rise in […]

How to Interpret Consecutive Directional Changes

QUESTION: Martin – how should consecutive “Directional Change” indicators be interpreted? Regards, DR ANSWER: Normally this type of pattern produces just a sideways churning back and forth. This is why in the Euro there has been nothing to write about. It is just a deflationary contraction. The dollar rose sharply between 1980 and 1985 also 1929-1932. […]

Seeing the Light

QUESTION: I want to thank you so much for helping me see the light. I was one of those lost goldbugs who expected hyperinflation and the only gold would survive. As you say. A loss is a loss regardless of the reason why. If these people know gold is manipulated, then why tell people to […]

Gold Tumbles On Pending Budget Deal

Gold has made a sharp drop today as it still winds its way down. The concern that reaching a budget deal will also help the Federal Reserve to reduce its bond buying is on point. The budget agreement is another factor that goes to the heart of the gold propaganda machine that we would be […]

Deflation Causes a Currency To rise

  The so-called Flight to Quality is the shift in money flows from one sector to the other that traditionally is reflected in the currency. The inflationary boom into the 1980 crashed and burned into 1985 sending the dollar to records highs for the century. Money moves from PRIVATE to PUBLIC and that is where […]

NYC Christmas Tree

Last night they lit the Rockefeller Christmas Tree. It is the one time NYC actually blossoms during the Christmas season. The first Christmas tree in NYC was actually erected in 1931 in the worst year of the Great Depression when just about all the foreign sovereign bonds defaulted on Americans causing massive bank failures. The […]

The Ultimate Mind Game – To Crash or just Correct

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thanks for your great work, it is a pleasure to read your articles and your explanations about gold, government debt and the stock market. Your last article has me confused, however. I have learned from your articles that a crash in the stock market can only occur when the retail investors are […]

The $2.3 Trillion Nobody Mentions about Quantitative Easing

QUESTION: We didn’t see Quantitative Easing stimulate the economy? Was it all the money pouring out the cracks to overseas? Thanks GH ANSWER: You have to look deeper than the headlines. Yes, it sounds like a lot of money $85 billion a month should have been inflationary in a closed system. But pick up the […]

Gold – Beating a Dead Horse

QUESTION:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, I understand your thoughts on manipulating against a trend, but with gold being halted for the 4th time in 3 months by large sales orders placed during illiquid hours, does there come a time when you can say, “OK, something fishy is going on here.”? Banks have been caught manipulating energy, aluminum and […]