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Capitalism – Socialism – Communism

  The business cycle is critical to understand. The difference between Capitalism and Socialism is simple. Capitalism is where you are free to decide what you do with your money, and Socialism is where government orders you what to do with their money, which you earn. The difference between Communism and Socialism is clever. The […]

Religion – Segregation – Civil Unrest

In France, retaliation have unfolded with civil unrest striking back with attacks on three mosques. In another French city, a homemade bomb exploded in the vicinity of a mosque which destroyed the facade of a church. In Montrouge a police officer was killed by an unknown assailant. The terror attacks in France are warning that the downturn […]

The Bond Bubble – Confirmed

The BUBBLE for 2015,75 should be the bond market – not stocks. The capital flows should move into the typical flight to quality mode and drive rates even lower. This will set the stage for BIG BANG. To accomplish that, we should see the stock markets tread water, but not necessarily drive off the cliff. […]

Socrates Progress Report

  We have made a lot of progress porting over the programs to function via the Internet. The voice will be operating and we are putting the finishing touches on the trading systems. You will be able to see the hypothetical system trading record  on anything with the current position and its objectives with its […]

Empire v Mere State

  QUESTION: Marty, your insight into the failure of Austrian and Keynesian economics was really eye opening. At your conference you said that Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand applied internationally not just domestically. I believe I have reached the level of understanding you have been teaching us. It is indeed global and clearly everything is connected. […]

There Are Only 2 Types of Antagonists

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the debut in Amsterdam when someone tried to stop the film by creating a panic to run from the theater. It was a remarkable film that is much like a political thriller exposing the machinations behind the curtain as you say. It is something I am anxious to buy on […]

Austrian Economics v Keynesian Economics

QUESTION: 2014 should not have happened, but it did. There’s no way to sugarcoat it: the gold bugs were wrong, Austrian economics was wrong, and the Keynesians were right. And now the sound money community is left trying to figure out what it missed and, crucially, whether the problem was merely one of timing or of […]

Wine Industry Confirms Same Trend in Energy

One industry which reflects the same trend that we see in crude oil, the massive deflationary vortex of economic decline, is none other than the wine industry. The wine industry is also suffering from a major glut and here too wine producing real estate has peaked in France back in 2007 and is not scheduled […]

Understanding BIG BANG 2015.75

The Trading Money Center New York bankers did a brilliant sales job on policymakers, central bankers, and economists that the way to stabilize the world economy was to securitize everything. This combined with what they called the “Originate and Distribute Model” would lead to the promised-land in finance.  Indeed, financial intermediation has changed dramatically over […]

US Law Allows the USA to Invade Netherlands

The US government is perhaps one of the most arrogant in the world. They preach human right violations against China and Russia when in fact they are the worst of all. When the International Criminal Court was established among nations, the USA sought to impose that authority on the rest of the world while it […]