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What is Your’s Ain’t Yours

David Cameron has come out and argued that Taxes will rise unless he can raid bank accounts in the UK. Cameron argues he will “have to put up taxes” unless tax officials are given draconian powers to raid people’s bank accounts IF they think they even owe money. Trust me – all politicians share ideas. Obama […]

Gold for the Close

Gold rallied establishing the high on the classic 7th day. The Daily Bearish Reversal; to watch lies at 1285.60 on a nearest futures. A closing beneath 1295 will warn that a pause in the uptrend is starting.

Gold – Update

While the gold promoters continue to argue this is wrong and gold will soar to thousands of dollars, the trend is not yet ready for prime time. On a nearest futures basis, a monthly closing below 1251 will signal a drop is at hand. Our support still lies at 1155 and 904 so nothing has […]

China & Russia Joining Forces Against USA

China has announced on Wednesday that it would conduct joint naval drills with Russia in the East China Sea off Shanghai in late May. I have stated bluntly, Obama’s Administration has been the worst we have seen certainly in my lifetime. He has torn apart the world and is more concerned about using US power […]

ICIJ – Just a Bunch of Left-Wing Marxists?

This ICIJ body of so-called journalists/Marxists can only see that money is hidden offshore that should be confiscated and taxes. This is no different from Communism and fascists in that such policies also sought to just confiscate all wealth and the state is even capable of running the economy. It was Hitler who first made […]

Opinion & Speculation do not Cut It.

COMMENT: “You don’t consider all the possibilities. What if the USA has set in motion the revolution in Ukraine because they wanted and expected Russia to do exactly what Russia is doing. First the corruption of the prior President of Ukraine was revealed in the process and now Russia is being made to look like the aggressor in the […]

Socrates Manual

  We have been getting a lot of emails asking if we will provide a manual and what exactly will be included in the various stages. We have so much work to do with front-end delivery systems besides trying to get four books out this year. So to say I have a full plate is […]

Yes Socrates Monitors the World

A ton of questions have been coming in. Why the name? I have always called him Socrates from the first day he spoke. Read the Apology of Socrates written by Plato where he was condemned to death for basically knowing too much. The Oracle of Delphi was asked who was the smartest man in all […]

Socrates – The Apology

by Plato Translated by Benjamin Jowett   Socrates’ Defense How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was – such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a […]

The Secret Agenda

During the late 1970s, I was chairman of the American Gold Council for one year. I had to fly around the USA and do a media tour. It taught me a lot about how it is done. You fly into a city and you do the newspapers, radio, and TV shows. You hop on the […]