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Can States Go Bankrupt & Are There Exceptions to the Unfunded Pensions?

QUESTION: Martin, I have enough years in to retire from the state of Florida. Obviously, large cities can be bankrupt (Detroit, Chicago may be next). Florida’s pension plan is about 85% funded and in the top 10 states that have well funded pension plans. Do you think it is possible for an entire state to […]

CONFIDENCE in the Economy is Changing From Public to Private

QUESTION: From reading your blog, my understanding of your view is that all relationships are in flux with respect to markets and market drivers, except for confidence.  For example, the stock/bond relationship can change over time, so stocks do not ultimately go up or down based on what bonds do but based on where confidence […]

China & the Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is true that China will stop supporting the dollar and will become a net seller? The Goldbugs are claiming the dollar is dead buy gold. But they seem to use every reason to justify only buying and it rarely proves to be true. If there’s anyone who knows what is really […]

Capital Flows & Currency Flows

QUESTION: A number or people have asked where to get capital and currency flow data. ANSWER: The capital flows you can obtain from OECD. You have to take the Capital Account and Current Account. We get the raw data that is faster. The Capital Account reflects capital inflows typically for investment, stocks, bonds, real estate, […]

Land of Confusion – Negative Rates May Cause the Phase Transition in Equites

QUESTION:  Marty, Are not negative rates THE trigger for leveraged investments in stocks etc. ?! I mean, if to start with they just go 300 – 400 bp negative (for the savers) this means real zero or already also negative rates for debtors. So, perfect for a leveraged boom into any markets, but of course most […]

Capital Flows – The Key to Everything

QUESTION: HI Marty In your blog on Computer Intelligence you said “currency movement reflects the capital flows.” If the AI is attempting to predict the collapse of a currency, how does it pick this up from currency movements? Wouldnt the collapse in the currency occur first, before the computer can factor that movement in to […]

Hyperinflation – All Just Hype

QUESTION: Marty; I assume I understand the bottom line comes down to hyperinflation is just hype because it assumes the government will honor its promises. If they are moving to even negative interest rates and we see a rising tide of bankruptcies of cities and states to escape the unfunded pensions, then it is clear […]

Negative Interest Rates & Eliminating Cash – The Summers’ Solution

A speech delivered by Larry Summers at the IMF Research Conference on Nov. 8, 2013, has caused a real stir and is being hailed as brilliant, succinct, and a ground-breaking presentation that explained what many say is the most pressing economic matter of our time. The speech is being widely praised of course by Paul […]

How the Mighty Eventually Fall

The embattled JP Morgan Chase drowning now in various legal battles with both clients and regulators has agreed with 21 institutional investors to pay $4.5 billion to resolve claims the bank sold faulty mortgage securities according to Bloomberg. This is just a preliminary deal that covers 330 mortgage bond trusts issued between 2005 and 2008. Drawing […]

Shell Game – Is Deflation Possible?

QUESTION: How is deflation even possible when the Fed could simply throw money from helicopters or create it from thin air with computers? ANSWER: Everyone watches only the Fed. That is just a tiny part of the economy. The Fed has done QE1-3 – there is no inflation. The economy is larger than the Fed. But […]