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Coming Emerging Market Debt Meltdown

It seems the one primary area that people disagree with the view of the future is the rise in the dollar that is on the horizon. I have warned that in discussions behind the curtain, there will be a move to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. I have also stated that the only […]

German Socialists So Eager To Destroy Germany

All socialists just see money and justify their taking of other people;s money as somehow just even though their theory violates the Ten Commandments – thou shalt not covet thy neighbor;s wife or goods. The German Socialists are no different. They cannot understand how an economy even functions. All they do is want to take […]

Russian Ruble Collapses – Conspiracy Or Warning of Things To Come

  The anti-dollar contingent around the world who have preached that since Russia already trades its own currencies independently from the dollar and China has been trying to make the same move, are spinning the blogs claiming this is a “Zionist banker” conspiracy and this proves that all nations are tired of debt making Zionist banking. […]

Class Action Lawsuit Forming Against FATCA

  The single worst law ever passed was FATCA. The damage this single act has already had is startling. Americans are being denied business accounts everywhere outside the USA. This is contributing to the demise of the USA as the Financial Capital of the World setting the stage for the passing of that title to […]

World Share Market Crash

The US market has been hit in sympathy because of the chaos outside. This should be expected. We have warned that China peaked in 2007 and is headed lower. The US is the ONLY game in town and the US economy has been holding up the entire world. But the growth in the USA is […]

Energy – Igniting the Old Texas-New York Arbitrage?

We will be publishing an institutional quality report on Energy. There are large shifts in the energy complex not only due to advanced drilling technologies, but also renewables. When we put out that forecast that oil would rise from $10 to $100 back in 1997, people were shocked. We even had a request to construct a […]

USA – Is It time to turn off the lights?

We have a very serious problem with taxation. Only the United States and Japan regards its citizens as state property. Taxes are normally owed based upon the concept that you are paying your “fair share” predicated on use. But the United States views it simply owns anyone born in the United States or overseas if […]

The Governments Know Sovereign Debt Defaults Are Coming

  On page 13 of the IMF Working Paper entitled Sovereign Debt Restructurings 1950–2010: Literature Survey, Data, and Stylized Facts, you will find this timeline on how to deal with the coming Sovereign Debt Default. Behind the Curtain, they know what is coming. They appear to be even using our timing. Numerous emails have come in asking […]

The State of the World FOREX

While recession has returned to Japan and interest rates have dropped to negative, in Europe the ECM has effectively announced it will expand its balance sheet again by a trillion Euro. China has lowered interest rates showing this view of lowering interest rates is believed to stimulate the economy still prevails, albeit nobody can point […]

West v Russia – Who is to Blame? It Maybe Just Basic Psychology

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, I do respect your analysis, experience and what you do yet there is something that doesn’t fit with the independency you claim. You blame Obama and western leaders for acting like kids while you are rather silent about Putin merely just stating that he is forced to act the way he […]