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Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Biden call for Warrantless Searches for Handguns

  There was no other case that so exemplified how the LEFT is so anti-American than Biden’s argument before the Supreme Court for Warrantless Searches for Handguns. As I have written before, it was the writs of assistance where the kings mend could just enter your home and search for anything that sparked the Revolution. […]

The UN & its Plan to Rule the World

  I have been in meetings over the 40 years of my career, which were always dancing around the idea that we needed a one-world government. There have been those who have tried to get me drunk, hypnotize me to get me on a private jet to some secret place, to try to entice me […]

Market Talk – May 17, 2021

ASIA: China’s factories slowed their output growth in April and retail sales significantly missed expectations as officials warned of new problems affecting the recovery in the world’s second-largest economy. Factory output grew 9.8% in April from a year ago, in line with forecasts but slower than the 14.1% surge in March, National Bureau of Statistics […]

Fintech Banking by Sheer Force of Regulation

COMMENT: Dear Marty Something strange is happening with the European banks. For some time banks such as ING or CITCO have been closing down our company’s bank accounts claiming they cannot do business if the UBO owns more than 25% of the company. Now we are finding it near impossible to open new accounts with […]

Market Talk – May 14, 2021

ASIA: Singapore is locking down once again after a recent rise in cases. Although the lockdown will be less strict than prior requirements, authorities are urging people to work from home and limit gatherings to two people. The new restrictions will begin on Sunday and last for a month. The nation has already fully vaccinated […]

Switzerland Cancels it Currency

I previously warned that Trudeau had a law passed as of January 1st, 2021 he can cancel the currency of Canada. Little by little, those countries who have joined Schwab’s World Economic Forum’s view that paper money must be eliminated and we must have only digital currency so everything is taxed. Now Switzerland, which has […]

Biden & the COVID Fraud

  COMMENT #1: Marty, To show how absurd the vaccine policy of the US really has become, we are now told vaccinated travelers can go to certain European countries soon reopening provided they have received both vaccines. Yet, on return to the US, they are still required by US government policy to get PCR tested […]

Market Talk – May 13, 2021

ASIA: The mainland China share market finished the session lower on Thursday, May 13, 2021, amid bearish sentiment stemming from rising US inflation and concern to bring forward monetary stimulus tapering, an online business daily reported. Meanwhile, weaker than expected new loan data for April and Sino-U. S. tensions also weighed down sentiments. At the […]

The Birth of a Middle East War?

With the battle raging in Israel/Palestine, there is always going to be propaganda that points the finger at the other side. Over the past 15 years, Israel has fought wars multiple times, but as always, Israel is in danger of fighting a war where it “wins” tactically, but achieves nothing strategically. Meanwhile, generations come and […]

Biden Keeps Border Closed with Canada but not Mexico?

While there are many who fear Biden’s mental capacity, my greatest concern is who is really running the nation? Under Bush, Jr., the president was Dick Cheney, and thank God the Republicans ousted  Liz Cheney. The way politics has evolved, those in charge are never seen. It’s like the European Commission hiding in the shadows […]