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FBI Clears Hillary for Mishandling Classified Emails – AGAIN

FBI Director James Comey released an official statement saying that with respect to Hillary, “we have not changed the conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.” There would be no new charges regarding “mishandling” of classified documents. The real story will be the Clinton Foundation. That is what could lead to TREASON. […]

What Happens if Hillary is Indicted? Will She Be Impeached?

QUESTION: Marty; You are very good at constitutional law. What is your take if Hillary is indicted? Will she be impeached? ANSWER: A President cannot be impeached for crimes prior to taking office. Only those committed during their office. If Congress called her back as President for an investigation and she lied under oath, that would […]

Reports of Rigging the Election Emerging from Texas

Numerous stories are coming in from Texas stating that early voting machines are changing Republican votes to Clinton. This is not a single conspiracy — early voting fraud is becoming a widespread complaint in Texas. This is going to be a contested election for sure. Our models are showing November as an important turning point. […]

The Markets Heading into Election

As we move into the elections and the polls narrow with Trump gaining, the power that be will try to push the US share market down to create the image that a Trump victory will be devastating just as they did in Britain. The number to watch in the Dow for today’s closing is 17713. […]

First Casualty of the Election – Ryan Looks to be Booted out Regardless who Wins

Sources on Capitol Hill are saying that Paul Ryan will step down after the election, otherwise known as Eddie Munster from the Adams Family on the Hill. His anti-trump position has not gone well with the new core Republicans and he does not believe he would get the 218 votes to remain as speaker. Ryan […]

The Market Reality for the Election Next Week

We have to understand that fundamentals mean nothing. How many times have we seen a market decline with good news and the explanation is flipped to say it was not “good enough”. Markets are driven by BELIEF, not fundamentals. The pound crashed because those in the financial sector believed their own nonsense and sold. The […]

Never Ending Conflict of Interest – Complete Collapse of the Rule of Law

We are looking at the complete collapse in the rule of law. There is no other way to put this. The Department of Justice is so compromised with Lynch at the head it is getting to be absurd. Peter J. Kadzik is the Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice (DOJ). Clearly, […]

War & Economics – Just Follow the Money

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have pointed out that both Republicans and Democrats have voted for wars and they really seem to have no differences on this issue. You have said they use the social issues to distinguish themselves, but war and economics they seem to always agree. Do you have any insight on this phenomenon? […]

Market Talk – November 2, 2016

As we continue to digest news that Trump may well be leading in some polls, the nervousness surrounding markets is apparent. However, that is the case for international markets where Asia saw the Nikkei and Hang Seng lower by around 1.5%, whilst the Shanghai lost just 0.6%. We even saw a rally in gold of […]

Market Talk – November 1, 2016

Asian markets went from strength to strength today after a disappointing opening. The Nikkei initially saw selling pushing the index down over 100 points but turned on data and a no-change BOJ announcement. Exporters have been hit recently having seen the JPY dismiss the 105 handle and especially as we see the currency play with […]