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QUESTION: Marty, If this discussion is happening in Newport Beach, CA, one of the richest cities in the US, how can any US city survive the pension crisis? ANSWER: Nobody can. This system of unfunded pensions just assuming they will always be able to just raise taxes is collapsing. The morons didn’t do the math. If […]

The Coming Deflation

So many people have been insisting upon hyperinflation, but they are not prepared for the developing deflation. Even most Germans know what is inflation and they are indoctrinated that austerity is better – but is it? The US experience the deflation of the Great Depression and adopted those same austerity policies. There was such a […]

Gold & the 1974 Memo

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your valued forecasting and the clarity that you add to deciphering the cyclical nature of those things which govern our world. I am always amused by the arguments surrounding GOLD raised here and on other sites. I tend to hold around 10% of my portfolio in precious metals and […]

Keynesianism – Monetarism

COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong, Being a fund manager and with several bigger and commercial clients a commodity hedger, I truly admire your work. Not only that, our research, even by other methodology foremost pattern recognition and cross pattern recognition and liquidity flow detection – comes to very similar results as your calls, but we do […]

Coming ECM Book & 64 Year Gold Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: I´m writing to you from Santiago of Chile, to congratulate you for your amazing research, about the Economic Confidence Model and to ask you: 1. What is the correct model to predict the uptrends and downtrends of the Spot Gold Index?. 2.- What are the main differences between the E.C.M. […]

Global Market Watch for Nov 6th, 2013

  Covering Eastern & Western Europe – Middle East – North & South America – North & South East Asia – India The Most Comprehensive Forecasting Organization in the World (How to Use the Global Market Watch)   World Share Markets STKPGSO 11-6-2013 World FOREX Markets FXPGSO 11-6-2013 World Bond Markets UBPGSO 11-6-2013 World Metals Markets METPGSO 11-6-2013 World […]

Global Market Watch Nov 5th, 2013

    Covering Eastern & Western Europe – Middle East – North & South America – North & South East Asia – India The Most Comprehensive Forecasting Organization in the World (How to Use the Global Market Watch)   World Share Markets STKPGSO 11-5-2013 World FOREX Markets FXPGSO 11-5-2013 World Bond Markets UBPGSO 11-5-2013 World Metals Markets METPGSO 11-5-2013 […]

Interest Rates & the Bell Curve

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Thank you for answering my question. Would l therefore be correct in thinking: 1) It is a casual (indirect) relationship between interest rates and inflation rather than direct (ie, the strengthening economy will result in short-term cost-push inflation) 2) The exploding government debt (on interest rate hikes) will weaken the dollar over […]

Global Market Watch – Nov 2nd, 2013

    Covering Eastern & Western Europe – Middle East – North & South America – North & South East Asia – India The Most Comprehensive Forecasting Organization in the World (How to Use the Global Market Watch)   World Share Markets STKPGSO 11-2-2013 World FOREX Markets FXPGSO 11-2-2013 World Bond Markets UBPGSO 11-2-2013 World Metals Markets METPGSO 11-2-2013 […]

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty

COMMENT: You and the people you represent are not making one dollar for the real economy, you are only stealing money from the real economy by taking money from production, mining and normal investors. REPLY: Producers need to sell risk so they can produce on a guaranteed basis. Sorry, but without the free markets nothing […]