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Russia Threatens US with Nuclear War

  Russia has continually sent signals to these Western leaders that it can wage nuclear war. Russia keeps sending bombers into strategic places that can take out key cities in the USA and Europe. Even during the last NATO summit/Golf resort trip, two aircraft took off from an air base in western Russia, just east […]

Polish Pension Funds Seized by Government – Who is Next?

Poland seized private pension funds and have mandated those money to be invested in government bonds last February. Beware – this is coming to a theater near you. The Polish government seized $51bn of privately run pension funds and transferred them back into “state control” in a dramatic reversal of a reform that central and eastern European […]

Cycle of War Turning Back Up

Serious protests are start again in Athens, Greece. There are still the rising tension in Hong Kong where the protest leaders were just denied the right to fly to Beijing. In Turkey there are various protest movements including anti-American attacks on military sailors. From here onward, we should expect protests in Egypt, Spain, Italy, and […]

G20 Targets the Week of the Cycle of War

The G20 Leaders’ Summit for 2014 is being held on November 15th and 16th in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The principal meeting venue will be the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. There will be as many as 4,000 delegates and 3,000 media representatives in attendance. It is curious that the comes right in line with the turn […]

Obama Wants to Now Fully Regulate the Internet as a Public Utility

There is perhaps no President who has done more to destroy everything he has ever thought about than Barrack Obama from world peace to our constitutional rights. OMG, we cannot get rid of this idiot soon enough. Two more years may be way too long to wait. He will have us in WWIII and the […]

Judges are Free to Take Your Liberty For Anything – Didn’t Cut your Lawn – Jail Time!

It is just amazing how there is no respect for human rights and the sanctity of LIBERTY in the United States any more. There just has to be a serious overhaul of the rule of law in the USA for there are more people in prison in the USA than Europe, China, and Russia COMBINED. […]

Cyclical Analysis – Perhaps One Day it will be Taught in University

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been working on a trading desk for 4 years now. I have got to say, everyone reads you. The general comment around here in the bank is never be on the opposite side of your computer. Some still say you manipulate the world and others say you are the father […]

The New Real Estate Bubble – Or Something Else Is Going On?

With the Economic Confidence Model peak in 2007.15 (February 26th, 2007), that turning point marked the very day of the high in the Case-Shiller Real Estate Index. However, it also market the precise day of the infamous sale at the top of Goldman Sachs’ notorious ABACUS 2007-AC1 $2 billion Synthetic CDO. Indeed, Goldman Sachs was later […]

Serious Political Changes in the Wind for Germany

I have warned that economics changes everything. When there is a boom, people are fat and happy and war declines. When the economy crashes, you are faced with a serious problem. Either we will move to the extreme left and see a return of authoritarian states as we are moving toward, or we can swing […]

Who’s on First

  Behind the curtain, the long list of those who support the USA against ISIS has no substance. Why? This is a religious war and therein lies the problem. The Muslin community is throughout Europe and the great fear is their citizens run to join ISIS and then return creating a sort of home-grown terrorists […]