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Crude Oil – The Hidden Order Exposed

Crude rallied during October reaching the $52 level. Yet for the close, it crashed and burned on the last day to AVOID a buy signal at $49.35 level. We bounced off the first Downtrend Line, which now stands at $51.86 for November. This is what I mean about the hidden order within markets. This has […]

The ECM Turning Point

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I thought the Bundy thing was a stretch. The Comey incident blew me away. Putin invaded the very day of the ECM last year. There are way too may events right to the day and you can calculate this out and see why you even had the day of the 1987 Crash. […]

Chicago Tribune Calls for Hillary to Step Down

Headine:  Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside I fully agree from my “opinion” perspective that Hillary is a disgrace and she should step aside and Joe Biden should be the Democratic Candidate. Americans have “become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, […]

Will Hillary be Indicted in 2017? Cycles Look Like that is the Outcome!

Justice officials Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates disagreed with FBI Director James Comey’s decision to notify Congress about the bureau’s review of Hillary emails. Both did not agree playing it technical whereby the Department of Justice (DOJ) does typically announce they are investigating something. Of course, NY State did so with […]

Trading Presidents

The markets are coiling and do not know what to make of all the scandals being released. A Reuters polls shows that 70% of Republicans believe the election will be rigged. This is what the computer has been projecting that 2015.75 was the peak in government. Trump has risen to the top not for any […]

Podesta – How to Rig the Polls

The U.S. polls are clearly being rigged just as they were for BREXIT. Here is a Podesta email revealing how it is done. They take samples from specific regions and markets and pretend it is the national poll. They then feed this information to the media to create what they hope will be a discouraging […]

Hillary’s Lawyer – “We have to clean this up!”

The Wall Street Journal broke the story on Sunday night about the connections surfacing between the Democrats and Jill Mcabe’s run for the Senate who is the wife of one of the top FBI investigators into the Hillary emails. According to the Journal, the finance records show Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s PAC gave $467,500 to Jill McCabe’s 2015 state […]

Many Are Questioning the Polls

US Budget Deficit Increases – The Crash & Burn Begins

The US government says it ran a $US587 billion budget deficit for the fiscal year, which was a 34% increase over last year. Deficits have simply become a standard way of life for Western governments as a whole. They see no problem with borrow more each year when they have absolutely no intention of ever paying […]

Hillary: Queen of Rage & State Department Cover-ups

The State Department is deeply involved in criminal activity. They are trying to steer the FBI into a deal to cover-up Hillary’s emails by changing classifications to support her insistence that nothing was classified. This campaign is just getting insane. Then there is the Clinton retaliation against Matt Lauer for daring to ask her […]