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Interesting Times

COMMENT: Hello Martin May 8th seemed to be a turning point and from what I have read from your readers many things happened. I found this quite strange don’t know if it is significant but in Scotland we had the elections on 6 May. Usually, what happens are the votes are counted throughout the night. This […]

Comments on May 8th

COMMENT: Marty; they took a new power on May 8th here in Canada. They are arresting pastors now as ring leaders for holding church services. This was a serious turning point in Canada on May 8th. JH COMMENT: A turning point for Canada’s history….This man is a hero. JB   COMMENT: all this for arresting […]

Market Talk – May 7, 2021

ASIA: The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday the recent jump in COVID-19 cases in India posed downside risks to the Fund’s April forecast for 12.5% growth in India’s economic output in fiscal years 2021 and 2022. The IMF will revisit that forecast when it issued a fresh World Economic Outlook in July, IMF spokesman […]

Market Talk – May 6, 2021

ASIA: China has “indefinitely” suspended key economic dialogue with Australia, the latest in a growing diplomatic rift between both countries. The relations between two countries have been on the decline since Australia called for a probe into the origins of the virus and banned Huawei from building its 5G network. In a statement on Thursday, […]

Beijing Beats New York City

A number of people often send nasty emails because they do not like the forecast that China will become the next financial capital of the world. The forecasts we put out are NOT based upon my OPINION. I simply report what the computer projects. This Great Reset is playing right into our forecast, for they […]

Britain to Impose COVID Passports

Honestly, I am at a loss for how the British politicians are standing by and allowing Boris Johnson to singlehandedly destroy their economy and their future without so much as a whimper from Parliament. Britain has lost all sense of decency and is dangerously marching down the path of tyranny not witnessed since Edward Long […]

Market Talk – May 5, 2021

ASIA: U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said on Wednesday she expects to engage “in the near term” with Chinese officials to assess their implementation of the “Phase 1” trade deal between the two countries, with the outcome to influence the fate of Washington’s punitive tariffs on Beijing. Tai told that she respects the need for […]

Shortage of Chickens

The orchestrated COVID pandemic to change the economy for the BUILD BACK BETTER Great Reset has set in motion food shortages that are now emerging. Farmers have had to plow their crops under, and one had to kill over 30,000 chickens because they simply could not get them to market. Sales of produced collapsed as […]

Fake News Knows What It is Doing

COMMENT: I wrote to the ________ news and pointed out that you had a computer model that beat all the models that Gates-funded to use to create these lockdowns. They never responded. HJ ANSWER: Oh it is worse than that. One of the top five newspapers in the world wanted to write a story about […]

Supply v Demand – Does It Always Work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You say that wheat fell during the Great Depression during the Dust Bowl when supply would have declined. This makes no sense. Would you address that question? KL ANSWER: Your problem is typical in analysis. It appears that 99% of the people always try to reduce some event to a single cause […]