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Market Talk – November 28th, 2016

Asia had a fairly quiet trading day but ahead of so much market moving content this week it really should not be such a surprise. Nikkei closed almost unchanged at -0.13% but that was a healthy performance given the uncertainty drove the dash back into safe havens again, notably the JPY. The Yen traded from […]

Is Larry Summers One of the Four Horseman of the Economic Apocalypse?

The major bonus to Hillary losing the elections is that Larry Summers will not be the chief economic adviser. Larry Summers is Hillary’s top choice for Fed Chairman or the Chief Economic Adviser in the White House. Treasury Secretary, was a position he held under Bill Clinton in the 90s, but that was going to go […]

Market Talk – November 25, 2016

Early gains were eroded having seen an in-line CPI print but the weekend book-squaring turned sentiment to settle just under the weekly highs. The currency continues to decline with the Yen trading 113.50 for the majority of the session having rejected the 114 figure change earlier in the day. The Shanghai and Hang Seng indices […]

Fractal Nature of Trading

QUESTION: Marty; you said at the cocktail party that there are four level of time within each major level of time from daily to yearly. You said that trading results depend upon how you use the model for it is not a one dimensional model so people trying to compare trading results are usually lost. […]

Market Talk – November 24th, 2016

The Yen weakness continues to off-set the Nikkei strength with today breaching the 113 level and spending most of the day trading weaker. The Nikkei rallied closing up 0.9% with exporters leading the gains given the currency play. Volumes were light but then that should have been expected given the US holidays but we remain […]

Market Talk – November 21, 2016

  A positive session in Asia in what is presumed to be a quiet week as US holidays shorten much intended volume. We usually see a flurry in activity post US Thanksgiving which usually is the last ditch attempts by big money to balance decisions ahead of year end. All should be complete by the […]

What India Did – Other Countries Will Do – BEWARE

This is the boldest move by any government in recent times. Both the old 500 Rs and 1000 Rs notes have been “probabilistically devalued” meaning that anyone holding large number of notes, the value just has been significantly lowered by approximately 10 to 20% overnight. If you now try to deposit the cash, the money […]

Market Talk – November 17, 2016

We hardly saw any excitement overnight other than the fact that the BOJ bought some 10yr JGB’s to keep yield around zero. This obviously has a detrimental affect on the currency and in late trading we see JPY trading close to 110. As a consequence of the weaker currency financial stocks traded heavy whilst the […]

The Black Box?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it has become expressly clear that you have created a model which beats everything out there. Your forecasts on gold that it would rally up to 1362 and then crash was impressive as was your call for new highs in the Dow back in 2011. Nevertheless, these forecasts pale in comparison to your […]

Trump Post-Election

Trumps’ campaign manager most people do not realize was a WOMAN. Kellyanne Conway is the first female campaign manager to win the Presidency for her candidate. She did a wonderful job with Trump’s strategy. She appeared on many hostile media shows and charmed them. And she made history with Trump’s victory. So much for Trump hating women, […]