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Manipulations & Exceptions – One-Dimensional Thinking

QUESTION: Some analysts “expect that the u.s. treasury will keep interest rates low for many years. they quote japan`s so-called “lost decade” as a precendant and appear to expect that such artificial supression will in fact work ( obviously against what you consider “market forces”). which poses the question: does japan`s “lost decade” conform to the ECM […]

What Socialism Destroyed – Gov’t Shutdown

The U.S. government began to shut down for the first time in 17 years early Today, after a bitterly divided Congress over Obamacare defunding failed to reach any agreement as expected. What must be stated openly is that the “New Deal” of Roosevelt has actually destroyed the very fabric that formed society that nobody wants to […]

Gold Lending Could Stop in London

Many of the Goldbugs will be happy to hear that the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) says it might start charging member banks more or even dissolving the Gold Forward Offered Rates (GOFO) – the rate at which dealers will lend gold against US dollars – due to new financial market regulations. The push for regulation stems […]

The Man who may have Saved the World – Survival-of-the-Fittest v Civilization

The man who may have saved the world is Stanislav Petrov who was one of those bureaucrats who received a report that the US had launched nuclear missiles on a first strike to Russia. Normally, he should have reported the attack to his superiors but did not perhaps on a gut feeling it was a computer […]

Fed’s Schizophrenia

Fed’s Schizophrenia (a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes) seems to have the unprofessional world in a tailspin where the talking heads are talking to themselves. The Federal Reserve shocked the media and the typical market investor when it announced that it would not taper its $85 billion bond buying program. I […]

The IRS – Destroying Global Economy

I reported that the object of the IRS is now to regulate accountants doing your taxes. The real idea is to expand the Draconian measures that any foreign bank that does not report what Americans are doing will be subject to have their assets confiscated in the USA. This has resulted in throwing out Americans […]

Buy the Rumor Sell the News

Merkel’s victory was really a signal that the Euro Crisis will not be over and that if anything the current direction of Europe will merely pick up speed downhill. The positive thing for the euro is that perhaps we can now go into hyper-drive to get this Sovereign Debt Crisis in the open. The likelihood of […]

Can we Blink Before a Dark Age

QUESTION: Hello Martin: Thanks for the posts – you on fire 🙂 Question– if the emerging markets collapse and the bond markets collapse,  wouldn’t we have much less wealth world-wide?? If we have less wealth, isn’t that one of the things that helped drive the dark ages in Europe ?? So even if money is moving around isn’t […]

It’s a Matter of Confidence

QUESTION: From reading your blog, my understanding of your view is that all relationships are in flux with respect to markets and market drivers, except for confidence.  For example, the stock/bond relationship can change over time, so stocks do not ultimately go up or down based on what bonds do but based on where confidence […]

Government Will Seize All Pension Funds Globally – In the US that will Include 401Ks

Argentina did it. Poland will take over and cancel its government bonds held by its privately managed pension funds. This will stop just shy of actually “nationalizing” the system as it seeks to curb public debt. Socialism is completely falling apart. Thank you Karl Marx for selling this crap to politicians who just never saw a […]