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Why US Regulators Cannot Be Trusted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, how do you explain away even the big corporations involved in manipulating markets like the Sumitomo copper manipulation that the company admitted an almost $2 billion loss claiming a rogue trader? ANSWER: Let me make one point clear. WHATEVER you have read about manipulations is most likely totally wrong. I have NEVER […]

Why the 2014 Precious Metals Outlook Report is Important

COMMENT: Marty, I just ordered the Gold report. Wanted you to know I am not a gold bug….just interested in a market that is BOTTOMING…with good upside as opposed to the current US markets. Like many, just not interested in these valuations as the “perceived” risk is greater than a market that potentially has significant upside […]

Roosevelt & World War II

  Four Freedoms Speech (YouTube) Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to move the United States to war with his famous Four Freedom’s speech to Congress in the State of the Union on January 6th, 1941. FDR insisted that people in all nations of the world shared Americans’ entitlement to four freedoms: the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, the freedom […]


QUESTION: Martin, I am wondering if today we get a great shock in my homeland. Throughout the last couple months of this campaign, the UK government has conducted a fear and smear campaign to sway the democratic process. Media such as the The Telegraph and Bbc have been guilty of clear bias. I was reminded […]

What Will Be Worse This Time Around?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I’ve attended several of your conferences, and thank you very much for all you do. You’ve said that the next decline is going to be far worse than the last one.  Intensity and volatility is building.  By that statement, do you mean both the US economy and the US stock markets may […]

What is the 300 Year Convergence in the War Cycle?

QUESTION: Marty, you said that this cycle is the first time that the civil unrest and the international war cycle converge since the 1700s. You mean that it is a 300 year cycle of just that or is this when they align? Thanks NK ANSWER: This is an alignment, not a 300 year cycle. If […]

Edinburgh Seminar April 29, 1997 Transcript

  Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Edinburgh Transcript April 29, 1997     I would like to begin today with a brief overview as to how we at Princeton look at markets. For those of you who attended last year’s conference I will try to be as brief as possible.   Effectively, our models are based […]

Crude Oil Collapses – Plot Against Russia or Economics?

The global demand for oil is declining as the United States moves toward self-sufficiency and is the only nation still in a positive economic trend. Everywhere else we see the global economy turning down since 2007 including China and Russia no less Europe. But the level of pessimism in the USA does not imply a […]

Chaos of War – The Next Will Be no CNN TV Special

According to reliable sources, the primary reason I have been for backing off of war is because this is by no means going to be some TV CNN special where you watch things be blown up on TV as if it were a surreal movie or video game. First, Russia has intercontinental nuclear capability but […]

Scotland – YES or NO – It is just Economics

QUESTION: Marty Somebody has just bet $1.3million on a ‘NO’ vote result in the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum – was that you? J Seriously, is the computer predicting a ‘YES’ on this issue (I have seen on the blog that the timing would be perfect, cycle-wise) and do you believe the hype about a 10% drop […]