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Market Talk – May 4, 2021

ASIA: China urged the Philippines on Tuesday to observe “basic etiquette,” and eschew megaphone diplomacy after the southeast Asian nation’s foreign minister used an expletive-laced Twitter message to demand that China’s vessels leave disputed waters. In a statement, China’s foreign ministry urged the Philippines to respect the nation’s sovereignty and jurisdiction and stop taking actions […]

Market Talk – May 3, 2021

ASIA: A report published by group of analysts says that the “peak” of China’s economic growth has already passed or will soon do so and momentum will only “wane” further for the remainder of the year, after slowing domestic and overseas demand led to lower-than-expected sentiment in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors in April. The […]

No Life Insurance if Vaccinated for COVID?

  There is talk in Europe that some companies will not even write life insurance if you have been vaccinated for up to one year. In the United States, this does not apply. There has been talking about if you die within one year of being vaccinated the insurance company will not pay. This does […]

Berlin & How the Press Cheers the Left

The traditional Communist/Marxist demonstrations on May Day show just how biased the press is in Europe. While the commentary is in German, they do not call them leftists whereas anyone demonstrating for freedom is called Neo-Nazis. Many German friends all comment the same way – nobody trusts the media in Germany anymore. Why is the […]

Schwab Wants a Digital Citizenship to Use the Internet

  The World Economic Forum recently ran a Livestream with Interpol, Cloudflare, and a cybersecurity firm to discuss the upcoming cyber pandemic agenda, which many believe will be their next step to justify creating a Digital Citizenship to be able to even use the internet. Cloudflare’s COO who is advises on digital identity/citizenship for internet users. […]

India – People Attacking Gov’t Vaccine Nazis

  It appears that there may be yet another major cover-up going on because the people dying are alleged to be those who were vaccinated. The people seem to be rising up against those in government imposing vaccines and lockdowns. Meanwhile, CDC in the USA has announced a travel restriction from India.

Market Talk – April 30, 2021

ASIA: The US and China have long had a tumultuous relationship, but now Beijing has said that it would like to remain diplomatic partners with the US so long as the nation respects its domestic policies. “It is normal for China and the US to have some differences, but the key is to have mutual […]

Major Cities Losing Their Very Foundation

A reader sent this in that one in seven stores in London are empty. You have to wonder at what point will the masses storm Imperial College for its totally irresponsible recommendation to lockdown the world. The same is true where one in seven stores are permanently closed in New York City. Even major chains […]

Imperial College is Responsible for Deaths & Economic Damage

In the local press, a store owner in John’s Pass, one of the main tourist spots in the Tampa Bay area, wrote: “This closure was the longest amount of time that our family business has been closed in nearly 100 years. Even WWII, even the oil spills, the red tides, the hurricanes, we were closed […]

Market Talk – April 29, 2021

ASIA: President Joe Biden proposed a sweeping new $1.8 trillion plan in a speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, pleading with Republican lawmakers to work with him on divisive issues and to meet the stiff competition posed by China. He said, “China and other countries are closing in fast,” adding that he […]